The highest/lowest tier should be a smaller % of the formula

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The highest/lowest tier should be a smaller % of the formula

Post by 90sCoffee »

As I understand now, the formula divides it so that each tier is around 10% (so top 10 films are 10%, bottom 10 film are 10%, etc).

I think we can agree that our favourite filsm should be in tier 10 and our most hated should be tier 1 but do your ratings work out that way? My tier 10 includes my favourite films plus a bunch of others that I think are fantastic but would certainly not consider to be a favourite. Having a 10% equal tier split implies that 1 out of 10 movies youw atch are your favourite and 1 out of 10 you watch are just terrible. I think that ratio is higher for most, maybe 1 out of 20 or 30 ends up being part of your favourites and nowadays, do we really watch that many awful films considering how we're mostly using rotten tomatoes or IMDB or whatever to avoid the truly awful ones?

That's why for me at least, it makes more sense for tier 10 to be the top 5% of my ratings and tier 1 to be the bottom 5%. Ideally, my ratings split would go like this from tier 1 to 10

1: 3%
2: 7%
3: 9%
4: 10%
5: 11%
6: 13%
7: 16%
8: 15%
9: 11%
10: 5%

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