Question about New Releases

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Question about New Releases

Post by djross »

In the Explore section, there is a page for New Releases. Over a long period of time, I've noticed the inclusion of some very obscure titles in that section, which often turn out to be what could be called "religious" movies. As an example, there is currently a movie included on the New Releases page called Remembering Heaven (a "documentary" that seems to be made by Mormons). It makes me wonder how Criticker determines what counts as a new release, and how it came about that there is this tendency to include more or less unknown Christian films.

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Re: Question about New Releases

Post by iconogassed »

My first thought upon seeing the Criticker entry for Remembering Heaven was, "Huh? I thought Billy Jack was dead."

Then I saw that the Tom Laughlin in question only has the one Criticker credit and thus was probably not the writer-actor-director-Montessori-educator-three-time-presidential-hopeful.

Then I clicked on the IMDb link on his Criticker page and was instead taken to the IMDb page of one Liran Atzmor. The culprit appears to be a missing "9" in the URL.

What kind of god would allow that?

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