New at Criticker - Record Your Watch Dates

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Re: New at Criticker - Record Your Watch Dates

Post by Alsweider »

If I watch a film again, should I keep my first watch date or use the most recent one? There doesn't seem to be a way to specify multiple watch dates yet.
I also noticed that a watch date is no longer automatically inserted when rating. A bit inconvenient, since I usually rate films on the same day that I watch them.

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Re: New at Criticker - Record Your Watch Dates

Post by mpowell »

Alsweider wrote:
Wed Oct 02, 2024 11:29 pm
If I watch a film again, should I keep my first watch date or use the most recent one? There doesn't seem to be a way to specify multiple watch dates yet.
Yeah, we don't currently have a way to log multiple watches, although this is something we're considering for a future enhancement, if there's a demand for it.
Alsweider wrote:
Wed Oct 02, 2024 11:29 pm
I also noticed that a watch date is no longer automatically inserted when rating. A bit inconvenient, since I usually rate films on the same day that I watch them.
This isn't something we ever meant to do -- many people do not rate films on the same day, and had complained about the watch date being auto-inserted. I could see this being something configurable at the account level, again depending on whether it's something a lot of people might want.

Thanks for pointing these things out!

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Re: New at Criticker - Record Your Watch Dates

Post by Alsweider »

Thanks for the answer.
mpowell wrote:
Thu Oct 03, 2024 2:11 pm
Alsweider wrote:
Wed Oct 02, 2024 11:29 pm
I also noticed that a watch date is no longer automatically inserted when rating. A bit inconvenient, since I usually rate films on the same day that I watch them.
This isn't something we ever meant to do -- many people do not rate films on the same day, and had complained about the watch date being auto-inserted. I could see this being something configurable at the account level, again depending on whether it's something a lot of people might want.
Yes, it is definitely good practice not to randomly set the watch date to the date of the review. Although I would have actually expected that most people would give a review on the same day they watch the film, if you ignore imported or initially added reviews. If you wait longer, your memory of the film can be distorted.
In my case, this fix meant that newly watched films were suddenly missing from my watch journal, which I had to add manually. Luckily, I could just use the review date.

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Re: New at Criticker - Record Your Watch Dates

Post by metalhank »

I 100% disagree with you, but to each their own. Minimum one month before rating, if it doesn't stick in your mind than the first instincts were not worth it.

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Re: New at Criticker - Record Your Watch Dates

Post by brell »

mpowell wrote:
Thu Oct 03, 2024 2:11 pm
Yeah, we don't currently have a way to log multiple watches, although this is something we're considering for a future enhancement, if there's a demand for it.
I would love a way to record multiple watches, personally. Hope you guys do end up adding it!

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Re: New at Criticker - Record Your Watch Dates

Post by Alsweider »

metalhank wrote:
Sat Oct 05, 2024 4:20 am
I 100% disagree with you, but to each their own. Minimum one month before rating, if it doesn't stick in your mind than the first instincts were not worth it.
I suppose there's no right or wrong here. Personally, I rate films as quickly as possible because I aim to evaluate the impression and feelings I experienced directly while watching. I assume this approach also leads to more recommendations for films that resonate with me in the moment. If I wait too long, my perception might change due to forgetting details or acquiring new information upon reflection. However, when it comes to writing a review, it can sometimes take one or several days before I've processed the film enough in my mind to articulate a clear opinion.

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