Guess the movie from the image

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Re: Guess the movie from the image

Post by bowfinger »


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Re: Guess the movie from the image

Post by bowfinger »


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Re: Guess the movie from the image

Post by livelove »

JB - Die Another Day ?

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Re: Guess the movie from the image

Post by bowfinger »

correct! you're up!

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Re: Guess the movie from the image

Post by livelove »

Can you please tell me how many Criticker ratings a film should have to be suitable for this thread ?

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Re: Guess the movie from the image

Post by MacSwell »

Normally around 500 is the kinda benchmark to go for as a minimum

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Re: Guess the movie from the image

Post by livelove »

thanks, MacSwell!

1.jpg (56.64 KiB) Viewed 1768 times

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Re: Guess the movie from the image

Post by livelove »

I don't know what the customs are here. A new clue every 24 hours ?

I guess the regulars here haven't seen the film, because I think everyone who has, will recognize it by the screencap. So I don't think additional clues will be of any help, but here we go:

hint #1: nominated for 1 Oscar

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Re: Guess the movie from the image

Post by philamental »

Ah! The dreaded moment when you realise nobody has probably seen the movie you're playing, and while you don't want to abandon the round and give the answer away, you also don't want to play images to tumbleweeds for the next week! :lol:

But yeah, text hints will usually help people use their detective skills to identify a movie if its one they haven't seen so you're going about things the right way.

Playing a new image every 24 hrs is not a rule or requirement but it does seem to be one of the more common choices as it ensures every global time zone gets a chance to play while ensuring the game doesn't drag on too slowly. But others play images every few hrs until someone gets it and that's fine too. Whatever suits you.

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Re: Guess the movie from the image

Post by livelove »

philamental wrote:
Thu Feb 23, 2023 9:44 am
Ah! The dreaded moment when you realise nobody has probably seen the movie you're playing, and while you don't want to abandon the round and give the answer away, you also don't want to play images to tumbleweeds for the next week! :lol:
I couldn't have cared less. But now that you mention it, I may start to feel that way. Good job! :D

hint #2: movie has more than triple the required ratings minimum
(as if that's gonna help ...)

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