Help Naming Movie

Can't remember that film's name? Post the plot, and see if other users can help.
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Help Naming Movie

Post by Daniel1201 »

I stumbled across this site so I really hope you can help. I really want to watch this movie again but I can't think of the name to find it.

It was an American movie that I seen on TV (i don't know if it ever came out in theaters. Could of possibly been a hallmark or lifetime movie)

Basically a man (I believe he was homeless) gets tired of living and wants to end things. He decided he would go for a swim in a nearby lake and when he got tired he would just stop swimming and drown.

While carrying out this plan he sees a car go over the cliff and he goes to help anyone inside it get out when he finds a baby girl alone, in her carseat inside the car. He takes her out, saves her and he ends up raising this girl on his own as his daughter. They travel around small towns in an rv until one day a woman (I believe she worked at a restruant or store) recognizes the girl and reports it. It turns out the baby is the sherrifs missing grandchild. The sherrifs daughter had pushed her car off the cliff for one reason or another not realizing her baby was still inside until it was to late. For years she had lied saying that her car was stolen with the baby in the back seat, thinking her baby had died.

Can anyone tell me the name of this movie?

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Re: Help Naming Movie

Post by kv102t »

nope, but I now also want to know!

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