A Full-Width Layout for Criticker, and More!

This is where you'll find information about updates to the site -- new features we've introduced, bugs we've fixed, and anything else which might be of interest to the community!
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Re: A Full-Width Layout for Criticker, and More!

Post by brell »

I'm pretty content with this update--very glad you've addressed all the concerns I had with the title page since the initial roll-out!

However, please please please add back the ability to add movies to watchlist/easily see if they're added to watchlist from search pages and from the new release page. I frequently add anything coming out that I want to keep tabs on to my watchlist, but can't always remember if I've already done it. It was convenient to already be able to see 'saved' right under the movie rather than having to click into it again. I really hope you add this functionality back and would absolutely miss it if it stays gone! I notice it's still on the homepage but only for the very first film shown.

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Re: A Full-Width Layout for Criticker, and More!

Post by jnydam »

When I click on "All Your Ratings," it appears to me that my ratings are the old numbers I assigned films. These were not percentiles. A rating of 80 very well may have been in the 90th percentile by my method- I was adapting to how the site created tiers for me. However, now when I rated a new film a 67 it listed it as my percentile. Supposed I had 100 films rated and my 50th highest rated film was rated a 61. Are the new ratings lying to me stating that this film is 61st percentile? If all users don't recalibrate their ratings doesn't this make the TCI and PSI models useless?


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Re: A Full-Width Layout for Criticker, and More!

Post by Skavau »

iconogassed wrote:
Wed Mar 06, 2024 5:10 pm
Skavau wrote:
Wed Mar 06, 2024 3:46 pm
The little pictures of the filmmakers, actors etc, showed up before the redesign. That's unrelated to it.
They are not new with the brand new full-width stuff. They were new as part of the actual re-design that was implemented last year. This is why I said “I remain…”. I am whining about it anew because it makes zero sense and a big part of the problem of poor use of space and hey it might still be changed.
Oh. I was thinking the March 4th one. Fair enough. I don't mind the little pictures. At the very least it gives would-be contributors some idea of actors that might need a profile vs. ones that don't.

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Re: A Full-Width Layout for Criticker, and More!

Post by Skavau »

-delete- Never mind. It seems to be ok.

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Re: A Full-Width Layout for Criticker, and More!

Post by edkrak »

SPIDEY.jpg (122.14 KiB) Viewed 1157 times

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Re: A Full-Width Layout for Criticker, and More!

Post by mpowell »

djross wrote:
Wed Mar 06, 2024 3:27 pm
BUT: I do have to add that it is a bit strange indeed that, when the setting is on "more", and I am using Desktop, my own review of a film is not visible or barely visible on the film title page (depending on font size), and I have to scroll down a bit to read it. I think almost everyone would think that it is more natural and obvious that one's own review should be immediately visible on a film title page. And even when the setting is on "less", usually there is only the very top of one's own review visible. For users who just give scores, it's not an issue, but I do really think this is a weakness of the layout that many users who do write reviews will find frustrating.

My own strong suggestion would be: one's own review should be located below the title of the film and above the description of the plot.
Yeah, this is something a few other users have pointed out... and one that, on review, we agree with.

We're discussing now the best ways to get this information above the fold, and have a couple ideas that we want to explore. So please do consider this one "in progress" :)

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Re: A Full-Width Layout for Criticker, and More!

Post by mpowell »

iconogassed wrote:
Wed Mar 06, 2024 3:39 pm
The "datedness" the admins are concerned about seems to me to have far less to do with the width of the page than simply the actual look of the logo, menus, etc. I don't know why the old design would be stretched to full width rather than a new full-width design implemented. I mean, I know why. Obviously the team and resources are limited, but the cure here is worse than the disease. The update looks far more awkward on a desktop than the old design.
Just a quick note here -- we actually agree with this completely. All of the things we've done so far, specifically in the widening of the layout, the creation of a design system, and the development of new site-wide components, have been steps along the path to a total site rebranding and overhaul.

We are painfully aware that things like the Logo and the Navigation Bar need to modernized. And all of our pages, including the User Profile (we see that Spidey picture, edkrak!) need to be revamped to work optimally with the new layout. And they will be, in upcoming launches, in the order which we feel most appropriate :)

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Re: A Full-Width Layout for Criticker, and More!

Post by mpowell »

brell wrote:
Wed Mar 06, 2024 5:15 pm
However, please please please add back the ability to add movies to watchlist/easily see if they're added to watchlist from search pages and from the new release page. I frequently add anything coming out that I want to keep tabs on to my watchlist, but can't always remember if I've already done it. It was convenient to already be able to see 'saved' right under the movie rather than having to click into it again. I really hope you add this functionality back and would absolutely miss it if it stays gone! I notice it's still on the homepage but only for the very first film shown.
Whoops! Yep, that is a mistake and I've just filed it as a bug ... those links should definitely be appearing in all those film lists. We'll get them added back, and update you here!

Also, thanks for the vote of confidence! We're working really hard to address the (way-too-many) things we missed during testing :)

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Re: A Full-Width Layout for Criticker, and More!

Post by mpowell »

jnydam wrote:
Wed Mar 06, 2024 7:18 pm
When I click on "All Your Ratings," it appears to me that my ratings are the old numbers I assigned films. These were not percentiles. A rating of 80 very well may have been in the 90th percentile by my method- I was adapting to how the site created tiers for me. However, now when I rated a new film a 67 it listed it as my percentile. Supposed I had 100 films rated and my 50th highest rated film was rated a 61. Are the new ratings lying to me stating that this film is 61st percentile? If all users don't recalibrate their ratings doesn't this make the TCI and PSI models useless?

I think I understand your concern here. If you were using Tiers before, you saw Tier headings in the Film Database ("Tier 10", "Tier 9") etc. But those are not present anymore.

On the All Your Ratings page, you'll see the score you've actually given a title, not the percentile. But it'd be also nice to have the ability to view the percentile information at a glance, and I think this is what you're missing.

This is actually on our radar, and we've got a couple ideas about how we might address it, but it's not something we've had a chance to do yet.

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Re: A Full-Width Layout for Criticker, and More!

Post by Dorkovsky »

Havent read the entire thread so sorry if this was already mentioned, but when you are looking at reviews for a film already ranked, the info up top only shows the PSI and not your score
