Primary country, just like primary language

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Primary country, just like primary language

Post by BadCosmonaut »

I've written about this in at least 1 other thread, but I don't think there is an official feature request thread for this idea, so I thought I'd make one. It seems like eventually it will be possible to set the "Primary language" of each film. I'd like to recommend also being able to set the "Primary country" of each film, using the same guiding principles listed here that I wrote for the Primary language idea (basically only allowing 1 "Primary country" for 99.99% of films).

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Re: Primary country, just like primary language

Post by mpowell »

BadCosmonaut wrote:
Tue Sep 17, 2024 3:28 am
I've written about this in at least 1 other thread, but I don't think there is an official feature request thread for this idea, so I thought I'd make one. It seems like eventually it will be possible to set the "Primary language" of each film. I'd like to recommend also being able to set the "Primary country" of each film, using the same guiding principles listed here that I wrote for the Primary language idea (basically only allowing 1 "Primary country" for 99.99% of films).
Thanks! Yeah, I think we'd look at both of these at the same time :) You're right that it's pretty much the same principle.

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Re: Primary country, just like primary language

Post by Moribunny »

That would be great!

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Re: Primary country, just like primary language

Post by Skavau »

Voicing my support for this.

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