Favourite film as a child?

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Re: Favourite film as a child?

Post by KGB »

Power Rangers Movie was some serious shit man. I still remember the impact it had on me as a child. You know, looking back, I kind of remember it like crack: it just sorta took all that was "cool" and "hip" in the early 90's mainstream, took only the cheesiest, cheapest of it (that is, the left-overs, the residues) and mixed it with some baking soda or superheroes crap and sold it to kids on the streets for a buck. Yeah, Power Rangers is quite like crack I believe. What have you done to me, mama?

I will never forget, though, how my childhood was finally crashed into little pieces. Give that I lived in a kibbutz that was bombed quite frequently I couldn't get out that much and TV was really all I needed. I just loved the Power Rangers, just as I loved every other shit (even the actually good shit). And than my mom unleashed hell when she brought me the 'Power Rangers Turbo' movie. Man that was so fucking awful I wanted to cry. There was a space midget and some crystals and all the cool bad guys on the moon were replaced by some assholes in a submarine with cheap D&D costumes. Out of the original crew only Tommy and the hot chick were left and they weren't half as cool as they were before. They gave them FUCKING CARS and the blue power ranger which was the cool nerd that never got out for the action was replaced by a kid in possibly the worst marketing strategy ever made. I never wanted to see the Power Rangers again. THEY KILLED ALPHA AND GORDON. THAT CANNOT BE FORGIVEN.

Ahh, what a childhood.

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Re: Favourite film as a child?

Post by frederic_g54 »

KGB wrote:My mom unleashed hell when she brought me the 'Power Rangers Turbo' movie. Man that was so fucking awful I wanted to cry. There was a space midget and some crystals and all the cool bad guys on the moon were replaced by some assholes in a submarine with cheap D&D costumes. Out of the original crew only Tommy and the hot chick were left and they weren't half as cool as they were before. They gave them FUCKING CARS and the blue power ranger which was the cool nerd that never got out for the action was replaced by a kid in possibly the worst marketing strategy ever made. I never wanted to see the Power Rangers again. THEY KILLED ALPHA AND GORDON. THAT CANNOT BE FORGIVEN.

That must've been painful to watch :)

I think when it comes to "crack" (lol), mine has to be Dragonball Z, I'd probably watch it today if it was on. I just hope the Dragonball movie won't be a major crapfest like the Turbo Movie (although a part of me is afraid it will be...)

and while writing this, I visited IMDB and couldn't believe they had some reviews out


mommy... :cry:

Melvin Smif
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Re: Favourite film as a child?

Post by Melvin Smif »

JooJoo wrote:I worshiped at the altar of Don Bluth as a child.

An American Tale - The Land Before Time - All Dogs Go to Heaven

Don Bluth made cartoons watchable for me I completly agree with you JooJoo! My favorite from him was Rock a' Doodle which is a terrible movie but I loved it as a kid.

I also loved the Disney Robin Hood version.

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Re: Favourite film as a child?

Post by Stewball »

FitFortDanga wrote:You guys are making me feel old. I was 19 when Home Alone came out.

Get over it. Mine are Disney's Peter Pan and his live action The Story of Robin Hood and His Merrie Men in their original releases. Peter Pan has not stood the test of time very well, but I still consider that version of Robin Hood to be the best and truest to the legend--if you ignore a few silly moments, mostly involving Marion. Richard Todd beats the overacting, self-absorbed Errol Flynn hands down, and any movie with Olivia de Havilland takes a couple of hits automatically in my book.

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Re: Favourite film as a child?

Post by JustinT91 »

All of favorite kids movies are always from Disney haha. I still love Disney and their music. My favorite movie as a child was Peter Pan.

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Re: Favourite film as a child?

Post by MmzHrrdb »

I think if Total Recall was a child he would probably be the coolest dude ever, but other than that i cant really picture any of my favorite films as children... this topic is asking for too much.

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Re: Favourite film as a child?

Post by KGB »

Radicalohank wrote:I think if Total Recall was a child he would probably be the coolest dude ever, but other than that i cant really picture any of my favorite films as children... this topic is asking for too much.

lol, you completely misunderstood the question.
And while we're at it, my favorite film as child was definitely Eyes Wide Shut. For sexual pleasure activity, no less.

Sorry, just had to say it.

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Re: Favourite film as a child?

Post by prowler »

my favourite film is 2001 and it [spoiler]has a child right at the very end[/spoiler]

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Re: Favourite film as a child?

Post by joseywales »

The same movie has been my favourite for the past 21 years:

Our Heroes:

The Enemy:

His Friends:

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toot toot:

The Movie:

Hellz yeah!

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Re: Favourite film as a child?

Post by edkrak »

How could I have missed this one?
Going to see this right now.

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