Overall Star Rankings

  • billyshears

    #1 - BillyShears has 503 stars from 76 users

    Final Fantasy VII Final Fantasy VII - BillyShears's Most Popular Review
    80 - "Japanese people think all black people are Mr T."
  • ocelot

    #2 - Ocelot has 132 stars from 46 users

    Cards Against Humanity Cards Against Humanity - Ocelot's Most Popular Review
    20 - "training wheels for unfunny people."
  • velvet_crowe

    #3 - Velvet Crowe has 102 stars from 42 users

    Life Is Strange Life Is Strange - Velvet Crowe's Most Popular Review
    10 - "Quite possibly one of the dumbest games I've ever encountered. If not for Adum Plaze's walkthrough of the game, I'd find this title unbearable. The time travel mechanics are never used in an interesting way, and the plot is written in the most moronic and juvenile way imaginable. I struggle to think of a protagonist more unlikable than Chloe, or a game that pulls off so many insulting ass pulls while acting like it's brilliant. It gets points for a solid atmosphere, but otherwise it's awful."
  • jschlansky

    #4 - JSchlansky has 168 stars from 41 users

    Days Gone Days Gone - JSchlansky's Most Popular Review
    60 - "It's way too long for what it is. I appreciate giving people their money's worth, but the AAA trend to drag things out for as long as possible hurts the experience and especially hurts the story. It makes absolutely no sense to have a mandatory mission 40 hours in where you have to go fetch earbuds for a peripheral character. the last badass line is your character telling the antagonist he's worse than the zombies because they don't kill unarmed women... you sure about that? They definitely do."
  • obdurate

    #5 - Obdurate has 88 stars from 37 users

    Final Fantasy VII Remake Final Fantasy VII Remake - Obdurate's Most Popular Review
    100 - "It's different than OG, not better or worse. Feared that Midgar being drawn out would kill pacing but was invested the entire time. Story is better written, actually giving depth to all things (events, characters). Combat is complex but feels right. Each character actually controls differently which is nice. Remixes of music are wonderful, some original songs slap. More focus on engaging in combat to unlock special things (not a huge fan of that vs OG). Leveling is deeper with weapon upgrades."
  • ytadel

    #6 - Ytadel has 131 stars from 35 users

    Super Mario Run Super Mario Run - Ytadel's Most Popular Review
    2 - ""A new kind of Mario game that you can play with one hand." thx but my jacking off and mario playing are usually scheduled for separate times of day"
  • bown

    #7 - Bown has 79 stars from 29 users

    Marvel\ Marvel's Avengers - Bown's Most Popular Review
    30 - "Terrible games as a service bullshit. This game can eat my poo!!!!!!! (please star this review i worked very hard on it)"
  • hellboy76

    #8 - hellboy76 has 52 stars from 27 users

    Spider Solitaire Spider Solitaire - hellboy76's Most Popular Review
    50 - "For you fancy fucks that can't just be happy with good ol' solitaire."
  • beedub

    #9 - BeeDub has 470 stars from 24 users

    Super Mario 64 Super Mario 64 - BeeDub's Most Popular Review
    100 - "So long, gay Bowser!"
  • vv238

    #10 - vv238 has 47 stars from 24 users

    Bloodborne Bloodborne - vv238's Most Popular Review
    90 - "As of 2020, Bloodborne is the closest a Fromsoft title has come to matching the brilliance of Dark Souls, evidenced by the excellent world and level layouts. It also implements Victorian and Lovecraftian horror roots into excellent art, enemy, and boss designs. The story is buried even more deeply than most modern From games but it is still fascinating, thoughtful, and has room for interesting and memorable characters. Bloodborne is a true standout and must-play title on PS4."
Showing 1 - 10 of 166 results