Overall Star Rankings

  • lilirose

    #131 - Lilirose has 1 stars from 1 users

    Inscryption Inscryption - Lilirose's Most Popular Review
    83 - "Gioco particolarissimo e molto meta, che è essenzialmente un card game ma con elementi da avventura grafica ed atmosfere da horror psicologico. Nonostante qualche lungaggine di troppo difficilmente può venire a noia, perché la storia è intrigante e il gameplay varia col procedere della trama. Se piacciono i giochi di carte è super consigliato, penso sia uno dei più originali in circolazione."
  • tanklin13

    #132 - Tanklin13 has 1 stars from 1 users

    Bloodborne Bloodborne - Tanklin13's Most Popular Review
    57 - "I get that the game is supposed to be challenging but some of the game design makes it hard for the sake of being hard and makes the experience unfun. Decided to keep playing for now so will update if I like it better"
  • krafty

    #133 - Krafty has 1 stars from 1 users

    Zero Escape: Zero Time Dilemma Zero Escape: Zero Time Dilemma - Krafty's Most Popular Review
    85 - "I really, truly love ice cream."
  • opensecret

    #134 - opensecret has 1 stars from 1 users

    Cyberpunk 2077 Cyberpunk 2077 - opensecret's Most Popular Review
    90 - "I didn't play this game until 3 years after release. I really enjoyed it! I didn't run into any significant bugs. I really enjoyed the story."
  • rudaker

    #135 - Rudaker has 1 stars from 1 users

    Streets of Rage 4 Streets of Rage 4 - Rudaker's Most Popular Review
    40 - "More equals less here. Give me the originals on the Genesis any day."
  • hectorelsexy

    #136 - Hectorelsexy has 1 stars from 1 users

    Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry Skies Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry Skies - Hectorelsexy's Most Popular Review
    92 - "An epic journey of a guardian angle who fell from the heavens. It may not look as pretty as the other games from the series, but its customization makes it much more enjoyable. Your won't like your companions because the story made you to, but because they were with you during your journey. The story is not the best out there, but it is good. One of the games I've played the most and I never got bored of. If you enjoy RPGs, this is a must have."
  • xantak

    #137 - xanta_k has 1 stars from 1 users

    Just Cause 2 Just Cause 2 - xanta_k's Most Popular Review
    78 - "alright game."
  • djross

    #138 - djross has 1 stars from 1 users

    Contract Bridge Contract Bridge - djross's Most Popular Review
    100 - "Given that my father's uncle was Charles Goren, I have a personal connection to the game. It certainly requires the effort to learn the systems of hand evaluation, partner communication and card play. This acquisition of knowledge and skills must be done collaboratively, which is what makes it so eminently sociable, but this is perhaps what also led to its decline in popularity once the television became the hearth of the lounge room. For this reason it's hard to see it making a comeback, sadly."
  • poydflink

    #139 - Poydflink has 1 stars from 1 users

    Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc - Poydflink's Most Popular Review
    9 - "This is pretty dumb, I don't understand the praise. The cases are too easy, it's sexist, transphobic/ignorant and the vocal sounds are annoying."
  • sieghardt

    #140 - Sieghardt has 1 stars from 1 users

    Guardian Heroes Guardian Heroes - Sieghardt's Most Popular Review
    90 - "A hybrid of Beat 'em Up and RPG with nearly 50 unlockable characters and a story with branching paths where the decisions you make can shape the story. Great soundtrack too."
Showing 131 - 140 of 167 results