Overall Star Rankings

  • billyshears

    #1 - 12 stars for BillyShears's Review of Final Fantasy VII

    Final Fantasy VII 80 - "Japanese people think all black people are Mr T."
  • beedub

    #2 - 11 stars for BeeDub's Review of Super Mario 64

    Super Mario 64 100 - "So long, gay Bowser!"
  • beedub

    #3 - 10 stars for BeeDub's Review of Twister

    Twister 75 - "OK if you're a guy playing with a bunch of hot ladies. Worthless otherwise."
  • beedub

    #4 - 10 stars for BeeDub's Review of Chess

    Chess 95 - "I always lose this game, but like a battered housewife, I keep coming back for more."
  • billyshears

    #5 - 9 stars for BillyShears's Review of The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time

    The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 70 - "Kid in my class when this came out copied out word for word all of the dialogue from characters and added a "Link nodded" here and there for a creative writing assignment and CRIED LIKE A BITCH when called out on it."
  • beedub

    #6 - 9 stars for BeeDub's Review of Super Mario Bros.

    Super Mario Bros. 92 - "It looked like Mario was picking his nose when he threw fireballs lol."
  • beedub

    #7 - 9 stars for BeeDub's Review of Super Mario Bros. 3

    Super Mario Bros. 3 100 - "A game so good they made a movie about a runaway boy and his autistic brother to introduce it."
  • beedub

    #8 - 9 stars for BeeDub's Review of ClayFighter

    ClayFighter 75 - "This game's appeal begins and ends with its (admittedly pretty cool) claymation gimmick."
  • beedub

    #9 - 9 stars for BeeDub's Review of Monopoly

    Monopoly 82 - "Before Risk came along, this was the game most likely to destroy your friendships."
  • beedub

    #10 - 9 stars for BeeDub's Review of Pac-Man

    Pac-Man 82 - "wocka wocka wocka wocka wocka wocka wocka wocka wocka wocka wocka wocka wocka wocka wocka wocka wocka wocka"
Showing 1 - 10 of 62 results