Overall Star Rankings

  • saxor

    #61 - saxor has 4 stars from 4 users

    Cuphead Cuphead - saxor's Most Popular Review
    90 - "Cuphead is a very simple but very well-crafted game. It's difficulty is high but it very rarely feels cheap, and most deaths end up feeling like they're your fault. The bosses are all very well-made, and the run-and-gun levels, while not being great, are still good (except 'Perilous Piers'). The visuals and music are top notch, showing just how much love and care went into this game. If you love action games, or are just feeling nostalgic for Steamboat Willie, Cuphead is worth your time."
  • okkervil

    #62 - Okkervil has 4 stars from 4 users

    Final Fantasy VII Final Fantasy VII - Okkervil's Most Popular Review
    100 - "Still holds up today and in a recent play through I enjoyed it as much as ever. The design and sound is startlingly harmonious and the now aging battle system still has what it takes to challenge. Inseparable with MGS as my favourite game ever."
  • torbern

    #63 - torbern has 4 stars from 4 users

    The Last of Us Part II The Last of Us Part II - torbern's Most Popular Review
    100 - "Naughty Dog and writer/director Neil Druckmann have created the best narrative experience in a video game to date. I could stay in this world, with these characters, for thirty more hours, as they try to find solace and meaning in a burnt-out shell of a world. The gameplay is perfect; linear, unavoidably, but with a huge variety of compelling playstyles. This time, puzzles are satisfying and quick to complete. Couldn’t say it about the first, but I’ll say it about this one: masterpiece."
  • istayaway

    #64 - istayaway has 4 stars from 4 users

    Mass Effect 3 Mass Effect 3 - istayaway's Most Popular Review
    90 - "A bad final 20 minutes doesn't negate the terrific rest of the game. Sure the RPG elements are almost gone, but the best gameplay of the series makes up for it."
  • vinegarbob

    #65 - VinegarBob has 4 stars from 4 users

    Command & Conquer: Red Alert 2 Command & Conquer: Red Alert 2 - VinegarBob's Most Popular Review
    100 - "The most fun you can possibly have playing an RTS, this was the gold standard back in 2000. Sadly it still holds that position today.."
  • nilkynarfy

    #66 - nilkynarfy has 7 stars from 3 users

    Baldur\ Baldur's Gate 3 - nilkynarfy's Most Popular Review
    100 - "Whelp. Here we are. The perfect D&D game. It does such a great job of combining tabletop realism, AAA scope, and wonderful writing."
  • yasbane

    #67 - Yasbane has 4 stars from 3 users

    What Remains of Edith Finch What Remains of Edith Finch - Yasbane's Most Popular Review
    80 - "It's all about the atmosphere and how to tell a set of simple stories in a great way. This was a great experience."
  • christof

    #68 - christof has 3 stars from 3 users

    Beneath a Steel Sky Beneath a Steel Sky - christof's Most Popular Review
    85 - "Really fun and immersive dystopian cyber-punk world. The humour reflects the classic point-and-click gameplay of its time, but with a dark visual undercurrent. Was so pleased to see it released as a free game on Linux platforms."
  • mucow

    #69 - mucow has 3 stars from 3 users

    Catan Catan - mucow's Most Popular Review
    90 - "My strategic sheep monopolies never come to fruition."
  • edkrak

    #70 - edkrak has 3 stars from 3 users

    Gran Turismo Gran Turismo - edkrak's Most Popular Review
    100 - "End of schoolyear 97/98 - after playing on pirate NES clone for years I've finally saved up some money for a new console. With whole summer of playing Super Mario 64 ahead of me I've went super-excited to the shop for my new Nintendo, but it was actually the first week they've brought Gran Turismo imports to the shop. "Well... let me try just that one race"... I've never bought that N64 in the end."
Showing 61 - 70 of 166 results