Sharing Feed via Blogger

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Sharing Feed via Blogger

Post by MmzHrrdb »


Maybe this is a stupid question, but is there any way to make a formatting friendly feed/widget that lists the last x films reviewed by me coupled with their mini-review? Something closer to the way the twitter gadget works, as the current Google Gadget only displays one review, does so using a frame that scrolls, and looks quite different from the site itself.

I know an XML feed is available, but I haven't been able to find a way to easily share specific elements of an XML feed in a Blogger blog without making something to process it for Blogger, and I don't have access to a web server to host my own widget/feed script, plus would rather not host a script. I could stick the widget on my page, but it doesn't have the mini-reviews, and again it's formatting is very different. Does anyone have any other suggestions/solutions?

Sorry if this doesn't make much sense.



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Re: Sharing Feed via Blogger

Post by mpowell »

Welcome to Criticker, Mike!

I'm not sure I entirely understand the question, so please feel free to clarify. Besides the Recently Ranked Films widget, which is available on the Resources page, we offer RSS, XML, HTML and TEXT based versions of Recently Ranked Films.

With those raw data versions, there's no style information included -- in order for it to look nice on a web page, you'd have to do a little bit of your own styling.

I think the Widget should work fine from Blogger -- it uses an iFrame, and displays your 5 most recently ranked films. Have you tried that?

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Re: Sharing Feed via Blogger

Post by MmzHrrdb »


The widget works fine, it just doesn't accomplish what I want to accomplish. What I really want to share are the mini-reviews, and they are not included in the widget. The links on the widget don't seem to display the review I wrote either. Plus, the widget doesn't exactly blend in with the website it inhabits.

If I stop being lazy and host a blog myself this problem is essentially solved, or if I host something to recreate the widget but with the style/content changes that I specified above. I guess I was just wondering if there was a way to customize the widget and make it a friendly part of the page, rather than the combative little iFrame it is right now.

By the way, I love the site, its a useful place to compile what I've seen and what I think about it.



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Re: Sharing Feed via Blogger

Post by mpowell »

Ah... Yeah, you're right that the widget isn't customizable, and neither does it show the mini-reviews. Currently, the only way to do that is to modify one of the export files yourself and, as you note, if you don't host your own blog or editor, this isn't very simple.

We have plans to offer a wider range of widgets, but I really can't estimate when we'll be able to get to them. Thanks for clarifying your point!

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