Clever Advice Montage

Can't remember that film's name? Post the plot, and see if other users can help.
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Clever Advice Montage

Post by spideysense »

Help! For weeks I've been wracking my brain trying to find a movie, or at this point I'm wondering if it might have even been an episode in a show. In my most recent attempt to identify the movie, I stumbled upon this forum. Here's what I remember from the scene I've been looking for:

The protagonist, who I think was a child or teenager, is seeking advice. I think he feels guilty about something, but I can't remember what he's feeling guilty about. He seeks the advice of various religious figures. I vaguely remember there being a priest, a Rabbi, and a new age guru type figure. The scene cuts quickly from one leader's dialogue to the next in a way that creates a sing-song kind of rhyming montage. It's done in a way meant to be humorous.

This is just definitely not the exact dialogue, but as an example of what the scene is like:

Priest: "you must mediate"
Cut to
Rabbi: "you must mitigate"
Cut to
Guru: "you must meditate"

And the scene goes on with each leader responding in similar ways.

I originally thought the movie or show was animated, but I've been searching so long without success that I'm even questioning that. I also think it's a fairly recent movie (within the last few years), but again, that might also be wrong.

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