Perkins' 14

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Perkins' 14

Post by hotsake »

The reasoning behind the whole thing doesn't make any sense neither does the fact that Perkins was in tight with the judge. The story and idea was really interesting but the acting and camera work sucked ass. The best part of the whole film is the line "They're not monsters, they're victims". There are parts of this movie that are really really good, they're scattered through out this mess of a movie. This makes for a strange movie watching experience. Most of the movie is pretty bad and somewhat boring but any time you feel like turning it off something awesome happens to keep you watching. I understand that this movie was cobbled together from various ideas submitted by horror fans and it shows but that's no excuse for the writer not to have done a better job pulling the many ideas into a more coherent whole. While the music wasn't that memorable the makeup, special effects and stunts were really well done.

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