Dracula A.D. 1972

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Dracula A.D. 1972

Post by hotsake »

I like the pre-credit scenes and found them a nice set up for the movie however the party scene directly afterwards was complete and utter garbage and had me wanting to turn it off, I mean it just went on and on and wouldn't end it must've lasted 10 minutes. Once again Dracula is barely in this thing, I swear if you put all the Dracula scenes from all 8 of the Dracula Hammer films together it wouldn't even be 60 minutes worth of film. Christopher Neame was suitably creepy and sinister in this and I enjoyed the name game with his characters last name. A third of the movie is over before anything happens and when it does it's a cross between shitty and effective, which is pretty much my feeling about the entire film.

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