Kickboxer: Vengeance

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Kickboxer: Vengeance

Post by hotsake »

First off this is not a great movie, hell it's not even a good movie but it is decent. Now the thing is, this will never be able to compete with the original, which itself is not a good movie. The original is a cult classic and many people love it and the new one wisely didn't try too hard to copy it. This is a re imagining of the original more than it is a remake, in fact story wise is bares more in common with Kickboxer 2 than it does the original and I found that it was better than all of the sequels even number 5. JCVD is the real highlight and he is in great shape and brings a lot of fun to his role. Georges St-Pierre was also a plus and I hope he gets to do more films and get bigger roles as I found him to be better than the bland Alain Moussi. Bautista was really miscast and seemed way too laid back in the role but he wasn't the worst Tong Po in the series. I kept hoping through the entire thing that JCVD would take over and finish the movie, that would've been awesome.

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