Bug Fixes - March 10

This is where you'll find information about updates to the site -- new features we've introduced, bugs we've fixed, and anything else which might be of interest to the community!
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Bug Fixes - March 10

Post by mpowell »

It's your friendly neighborhood Bug Smasher to announce a new batch of problems that we've fixed. (Don't worry -- we're aware that we shouldn't be too proud of ourselves for "fixing" issues which should have never been introduced in the first place).

Anyway, here are the latest fixes! Thanks again to everyone who's been reporting the problems. And we're aware that some of these were reported by more than one person ... it's been hard to keep things straight, so apologies if we haven't specifically thanked you for submitting the issue!

Bugs Fixed

1. TV show creators not listed, only directors/writers
First reported by Victoriouz

2. Weird spacing in Film List filters
This was happening when you had selected one or more filters in the Films Database.

3. Site hangs when making new collection
First reported by Skavau

4. Sort by name on collection moderation
First reported by Skavau

5. Cannot submit new titles
First reported by crtsjffrsn

6. Forum and navigation layout not correct
First reported by Ramy
This was particularly true on Mobile, so we've also done some work making the forum more readable on handheld devices.

7. Very low PSIs across site
First reported by MacSwell
This was only happening for certain users, and I think we've fixed things for everyone affected. However, if you're still seeing weirdly low PSIs, please reach out to support@criticker.com and let us know!

8. Can't bookmark collection or click through to collection page

9. Average rating per country graph has disappeared
First reported by Ramy

10. Player images cropped weirdly
This was reported by a few users... we've gone through and replaced all the invalid images, but unfortunately there was no way to recover the correct aspect ratio of the ones uploaded.

Still got some more bugs to go, so if we haven't fixed the issue you reported yet, we are probably still getting to it. We'll let everyone know once (we think) we've fully caught up on bugs introduced by the full-width launch!

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