Bug Fixes - May 27

This is where you'll find information about updates to the site -- new features we've introduced, bugs we've fixed, and anything else which might be of interest to the community!
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Bug Fixes - May 27

Post by mpowell »

Happy Memorial Day, to anyone who's observing the holiday today! We're celebrating with a big release of new fixes and improvements to Criticker!

Lazy Loading not working for just reviews
On Title Information pages, we were showing the top 100 ratings, but the functionality which lazy-loads reviews after that 100th one was not working. It's been fixed now!

Pagination on Collections Busted
If you viewing the collectinos for a film, you weren't able to advance to page #2 or #3, etc. We've fixed this, and taken the opportunity to make this tab auto-refresh instead of require a page load for subsequent pages.

Search on Ampersands is busted
No longer busted! Searching on a phrase like "A Zed & Two Noughts" will now work.

Can’t view certain profiles
This one wasn't something that happened for everyone, but if you had rated a ton of titles, and the profile you were attempting to view had also rated a ton, a memory exhaustion error was occurring. We've fixed the code so that this won't happen any longer.

Errors on Filmmaker Database
Similar to the above bug, if you were viewing a filter that contained thousands and thousands of filmmakers, we were hitting a memory error, even though the page only shows a subset of results. This has bene fixed.

Formatting error on export
Occasionally, characters were causing a formatting error on ratings exports. This has been fixed!

Hope you enjoy these new fixes! Thanks again to everyone who helped spot, report, and debug them!

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Re: Bug Fixes - May 27

Post by Ramy »

When on another user's ratings page, if you apply a collection to their ratings (ex: Female directors), you won't be on their profile anymore. It takes you to that collection, but in Full Database.

Also this:


One more thing: When you enter your birth date in Personal Info, it doesn't save it and your age doesn't appear on your profile.

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Re: Bug Fixes - May 27

Post by mpowell »

Ramy wrote:
Sat Jun 01, 2024 1:59 pm
When on another user's ratings page, if you apply a collection to their ratings (ex: Female directors), you won't be on their profile anymore. It takes you to that collection, but in Full Database.
Thanks for reporting this! We weren't aware of this one yet... I've opened a bug for it.

We are aware of the other two, and plan on getting both fixed up soon!

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Re: Bug Fixes - May 27

Post by mpowell »

Ramy wrote:
Sat Jun 01, 2024 1:59 pm
When on another user's ratings page, if you apply a collection to their ratings (ex: Female directors), you won't be on their profile anymore. It takes you to that collection, but in Full Database.
This should now be working! Full details can be found here. Thanks as always for reporting it!

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