Anyone else avoid actor interviews like the plague?

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Re: Anyone else avoid actor interviews like the plague?

Post by Spanks »

CMonster wrote:I think Dolph Lundgren has a master's degree in chemical engineering and once his house was broken into and when the robbers realized it was Dolph Lundgren's house they left without taking anything because he also is something like a third degree black belt.

He also killed Apollo Creed.

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Re: Anyone else avoid actor interviews like the plague?

Post by mwgerb »

Robert DeNiro was in Little Fockers and Hide and Seek, but I'd still love to hear his opinions on acting.

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Re: Anyone else avoid actor interviews like the plague?

Post by MmzHrrdb »

Pickpocket wrote:
Replicant wrote: I remember one interview with Christian Bale that ended with him singing the Powerpuff Girls theme, that was worth it.

Fuck yeah

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Re: Anyone else avoid actor interviews like the plague?

Post by dartagnan »

Yes, I avoid all programs or anything to do with actors or actresses being interviewed or on talk shows. For me-it destroys my "willing suspension of disbelief"-which is necessary for me to enjoy a film or tv show without letting the actor's personal views intrude on his-her character. For instance, if I don't have all of Sean Penn's political nonsense running through my head as I watch him in a movie, then that's a much better cinematic experience as opposed to watching Penn and thinking about him in Cuba or Venezuela with dictators.

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Re: Anyone else avoid actor interviews like the plague?

Post by nauru »

^ Nice, one person (one and a half?) gets where I'm coming from. Thanks for that.

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Re: Anyone else avoid actor interviews like the plague?

Post by dartagnan »

No problem, Nauru.

Here's a classic case in point. Right before I came back to this forum, I made the incredibly dumb mistake of reading a review of James Garner's new autobiography.

Revelations by him, that he smoked pot for most of his adult life, snorted coke with Belushi, is a bleeding heart Democrat and is a fan of Adlai Stevenson: ... rner-Files

Well, now every time I see Garner in a movie or the Rockford Files, I won't be able to get the pothead or cokehead image out of my mind.

What a shame. All to sell a book or two. What a dope.

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