Shareable Public Collections that are really public

Ideas to improve Criticker and new feature requests, as well as announcements about new enhancements.
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Shareable Public Collections that are really public

Post by abatjour3407 »

Collections are great for personal use but where they really become amazing is when one can share them with others (e.g. I have a collections for 2-year-olds and 3-year-olds that I would love to share with other parents I know)... Including others who aren't on Criticker. This also introduces them to the value of Criticker and, if it's something they're interested in, they could increase the size of our value-adding community.

Currently: Collections require a person to be logged in to view
Suggestion Option A: Have a shareable link for each collection that people don't have to register to view
Suggestion Option B: Have all public collections visible to all people on the web (you could still make the search/browse feature only available for registered members)

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Re: Shareable Public Collections that are really public

Post by mpowell »

Thanks for these thoughts!

Actually, you don't have to be signed-in to view Public collections ... try either of these in an incognito window, or while signed out, and it should work:

You have to be registered to create collections, but as far as viewing them, that should be possible for guests.

But we definitely do agree that we could be doing more to promote collections. We plan on revamping this entire piece of functionality at some point in the near future, and will definitely be promoting the sharing of collections as part of that!

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