Better color clarity

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Better color clarity

Post by fandrade50 »

'Awesome' is represented by dark green, but 'great,' 'good,' and 'decent' all use the same tone of green. Similarly, 'alright' and 'not that hot' are both represented by the same shade of yellow. To improve this, i thought about allowing us to choose the colors, adding symbols to indicate different ratings, or using a wider range of tones.

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Re: Better color clarity

Post by BadCosmonaut »

+1 to the idea that if this is implemented then to make this optional, since I like the current colors and how they are assigned. I'd want to be able to opt out of any possible changes.

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Re: Better color clarity

Post by mpowell »

Thanks for this idea! I'll add it to our list of things to look into for the future!

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