Organize reviews for a film by number of stars

Ideas to improve Criticker and new feature requests, as well as announcements about new enhancements.
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Re: Organize reviews for a film by number of stars

Post by mpowell »

The idea certainly seems to have a lot of support, and there's no technical reason we can't implement it.

This was suggested awhile ago by theficionado:

We'll add this forum thread to the bug report, as it contains more good information. Thanks!

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Re: Organize reviews for a film by number of stars

Post by Quicky »

djross wrote:for most films, without reviews that garner lots and lots of stars, its just going to change the order around a little.

You'll have the same with a "reviews ordered by # of stars" feature in those cases. Both in your and my suggestion it would be advantageous if the number of stars received was actually displayed (maybe as a number next to star between brackets or something like that), to give the user more information about how well appreciated each review is compared to the others.

djross wrote:Criticker is not only about its PSI and TCI algorith; its also about encouraging participatory activity, in particular reading and writing mini-reviews, and giving and receiving stars. I think this suggestion will encourage those aspects of Criticker.

Certainly, yet in my opinion it is not necessary to deviate from the "sort by PSI" default in order to do all of the above. But you're free to disagree, of course, and both cases would be a definite improvement to Criticker.

djross wrote:I'd also like to add that its a little strange that when I go to a film page, I can't even see whether my own review has received any stars. And apart from the handful of my reviews that have received the most stars, it is very difficult to discover how many stars a particular review of mine has received.

I wholeheartedly agree.

djross wrote:So I think it would be good if my own review was included in the "Reviews ordered by number of stars" list that I am proposing for each film page.

Why not display a short message underneath your review on the left of the film page saying "Your review received X stars" if it has gotten at least one?

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