"Rio 2"

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Re: "Rio 2"

Post by Stewball »

Spunkie wrote:Keep rockin' on, I wasn't entertained by a thread as much for sometime. To hell with Rio.

Yeah, but it undercuts my other sub-theme comments about liberals & environmentalist wackos, some of which deserve national attention, or something--and at least they were relevant to the movie. That said, I always make time for the ladies......under any pretense.

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Re: "Rio 2"

Post by cagedwisdom »

On a semi-related note, Stewball, I'm surprised you're into those women, most of whom are known liberals and by your definition presumably "wackos". :roll:

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Re: "Rio 2"

Post by Stewball »

Rufflesack wrote:On a semi-related note, Stewball, I'm surprised you're into those women, most of whom are known liberals and by your definition presumably "wackos". :roll:

They're actresses, young actresses, and I'm not sure they're anything except people who put their energy into their careers first, whichever way the wind is blowing--which in Hollywood can be rough going for a capitalists, even though capitalism made Hollywood. A good indication that most if not all of them would come around is that they aren't rabid bats like Ellen Page who shoot themselves in the foot by loosing their sense of humor, if they ever had one. Contrary to cynical common wisdom, beauty is more than skin deep.

Hell I was a socialist when I was young because I was ignorant and thinking I was standing for freedom.

And if political information is as hard to find on the rest of them as it is for Emma Stone, I'm not sure we can write them off as known liberals anyway. The only thing I was able to find on her was that she reportedly said she's for gay rights. Hell, I'm for that too, equal rights for all
Last edited by Stewball on Fri Apr 18, 2014 3:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: "Rio 2"

Post by ShogunRua »

mattorama12 wrote:
Rufflesack wrote:Why is every thread eventually about which women are hotter. This is getting bizarre now.

Shogun has ongoing disputes with 3ish members of the forum, and nearly every thread that makes it past 10 posts involves one of those disputes playing itself out. Here, you're seeing the Shogun/Stewie voluptuous/thin dispute play itself out again.

It may sound like I'm complaining, but I'm not. Though I tend to side more with Stewie on this particular issue, I won't be complaining if Shogun shows up with some evidence of his own in the form of Christina Hendricks or otherwise.

It's difficult to respond to Stewie's pictures when they're all air-brushed to such a ridiculous extent that they barely even resemble the original human.

That's why the picture I continually post of Christina Hendricks is none of those. Instead, it's a candid. So, would you rather take this woman, who, while admittedly pretty, has no ass and breasts, and the body of an 8 year-old boy?



Or would you rather take this stunning example of female perfection?


Keep in mind that Hendricks isn't even wearing make-up for that picture, unlike Kunis in the first two photos above.

Oh, and while I'm at it, why not post another picture guaranteed to sicken Stewie? Here is the luscious, amazing Esther Baxter in all her glory;



Again, notice I only post candids, not the air-brushed photos of her.

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Re: "Rio 2"

Post by Stewball »

I'll let your pix speak for themselves, and Kristina for herself several years ago:


That was 50 pounds ago.

And I can find plenty of pictures (and movies) that aren't airbrushed which mostly deal with skin anyway.

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Re: "Rio 2"

Post by ShogunRua »

Stewball wrote:I'll let your pix speak for themselves, and Kristina for herself several years ago:


That was 50 pounds ago.

What the hell are you talking about? 50 pounds ago? Are you legally blind? Are you claiming that Hendricks is 5' 7" and roughly 205 pounds? No, she isn't. Not even close.

Stewball wrote:And I can find plenty of pictures (and movies) that aren't airbrushed which mostly deal with skin anyway.

Then why is it that every single picture you posted was ridiculously, comically airbrushed?

By the way, just to prove that airbrushing isn't exclusive to women, check out this enlightening, funny clip from Bigger, Faster, Stronger;

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Re: "Rio 2"

Post by cagedwisdom »

Stewball wrote:And if political information is as hard to find on the rest of them as it is for Emma Stone, I'm not sure we can write them off as known liberals anyway. The only thing I was able to find on her was that she reportedly said she's for gay rights. Hell, I'm for that too, equal rights for all

I did some quick google searches and could only find anything on three of them, all of them liberals though.
http://content.usatoday.com/communities ... 1GoV_mSwZk
http://thestir.cafemom.com/entertainmen ... sion_makes
Scarlett Johansson is probably the most prominent, she even spoke at the DNC:

All these three happen to be ~30 so your dismissing them as "young" doesn't really fly with me. Most people have settled on their political views by that age.

Just for the record, I don't give a shit either way. I just don't get you, considering you leap on every opportunity, valid or not, to criticize a film for being "liberal".

ShogunRua wrote:So, would you rather take this woman, who, while admittedly pretty, has no ass and breasts, and the body of an 8 year-old boy?

[pictures of Mila Kunis]

Or would you rather take this stunning example of female perfection?

[picture of Christina Hendricks]

Is there anything more subjective and varied than sexual desire? I don't understand why you would be so confused as to why someone would choose option A or option B here. I certainly would choose option A, then again that's me.

I don't know what kind of 8 year old boys you hang out with.

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Re: "Rio 2"

Post by hellboy76 »

I am with Shogun here. I need handholds or I will fall off. Speaking of candids.



You can clearly see what you want to, or what you don't if you look hard enough. Except for Cameron Diaz who always looks like this :


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Re: "Rio 2"

Post by ShogunRua »

Rufflesack wrote:
Is there anything more subjective and varied than sexual desire? I don't understand why you would be so confused as to why someone would choose option A or option B here. I certainly would choose option A, then again that's me.

I completely agree. However, I can't help needling Stewie about this when he insists on calling perfectly healthy, fit women "porkers" and "fat". Again, keep in mind that we're talking about a 5' 7", 155 pound woman here.

That's not "subjective"; it's a mostly objective area of medical science and nutrition.

Rufflesack wrote:I don't know what kind of 8 year old boys you hang out with.

The kind that are 5' 0", 100 pounds, and have no tits and ass. In other words, Mila Kunisis' body, and Stewie's idea of physical feminine perfection.

hellboy76 wrote:Image


Hendricks still looks pretty good on the left, even with no make-up. Especially for someone who appears to have just woken up and is probably holding her morning coffee.

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Re: "Rio 2"

Post by Bojangles »

The commercials for Rio make it look insufferable.

Hendricks looks pretty right there^, Kunis just looks like she's in the middle of blinking.

Serena Williams has a fat ass.

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