Films in Common %

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Films in Common %

Post by paulofilmo »

I've been procrastinating over this topic for a while now; trying to think of the best way to open this thread. So in a typical procrastinators way, I have simply decided to discuss being a procrastinator for some light opening-entertainment and, well, opening the thread. :?

:D - Success.

Anyway, as my top TCI has been replaced by someone whom I disagree should be my top TCI, I thought it a good chance to discuss Films in Common % theory.

As I have previously mentioned, I have put mine quite high (25%) in order to slyly factor in fellow users that have seen enough films to have a balanced set of Tiers.

This worked famously for a time, but I believe has gone askew due to the TCI caffuffle, aforementioned.

So let's hear your theories. I don't believe it's as simple as A=B. I thinks there's a myriad of tangents, counterpoints, and branch-like, unique causation.


Last edited by paulofilmo on Tue Sep 23, 2008 2:14 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Films in Common %

Post by philocrates »

At this point after trying to get around what the site thinks is my 'choice' in films and giving me users I have nothing in common with when it comes to movies, I frankly think it is a bad set up. I have no interest in what it is recommending and after trying many things to bring the recommendations back over to my favor am finishing this before I sign out never to return. The main value was recommendations. I hate the films it thinks I should love giving me 90 on something I give a 10 to. So since the site no longer has value the choice is to leave. I can waste my time on Netflix and at least they get it right half the time.

The system doesn't work very well.

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Re: Films in Common %

Post by Quicky »

@Philocrates: could you elaborate on *why* exactly you find that Criticker's recommendations are not what you would expect? E.g. ask yourself if you find that Criticker's movies seem to be too old, too obscure, too random,... It could help us point to possible ways in which you could improve the way Criticker makes recommendations for you.

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Re: Films in Common %

Post by philocrates »

They seem to aim me mainly at Art films recommended.

Frankly I watch movies to relax. What I watch does have a common theme for the most part which consists of Action [sometimes with comedy and sometimes not], and a solid theme usually the unorthodox player 'winning'. However, films such as Modern Times, as well as the later talkies hold appeal esp since I am strong on their cultural capital. "A few Art films do sneak in because they satisfy something that I enjoy and also are well put together. Some like Sorid Lives sneak in because I know those people. I grew up with them even tho the ones in the movie are larger than life. Films that take themselves too seriously usually don't make it with me.

The main thing it has been throwing at me are Art films which frankly you couldn't pay me to see. It also has a selection of my 'primary' who I wouldn't take to the street corner vender for a hot dog during lunch break because we would prob end up in a fist fight over their and my tastes. There was one who ranked very high with my ratings of things and what I liked and disliked. Somehow Criticker wiped this person completely off of the list even tho they were a much better match than what it tries to say agrees with me. And if I could remember how they spelled their name I would hunt them thru search but I can't remember what they did to spell it.

Basic it is so far off of what I like and consider important, it is useless. I don't want to watch films about two twits wandering around a town lost unless they are being chased by bandits and cracking jokes at the same time. If I want serious I can go to work. I'm a prison guard. I want entertainment. If I want improvement, I can finish my thesis for my Religious Studies/Ancient Med History degree. I want entertainment. And what I am getting isn't. I want a world that isn't not some artist view of what is. The site fails by lumping me with the wrong people. And No Hot Dog for it either.

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Re: Films in Common %

Post by cagedwisdom »

Hmm, looking at your ratings I can see how this problem has arisen. You have movies in your tier 10 and in your tier 1 that I would say are incredibly similar (in quality, at least.. Might not apply to tiers 10/1, but at least in 8/9 and 2/3). Don't know what basis you have for this, and I'm not gonna criticize you for it (clearly you notice different things in films than I do, our tastes are quite dissimilar), but there doesn't really seem to be any recurring constistency other than that your tastes seem to be defined largely by the genre of a film.. But then again, there are inconsistencies in your ratings with that theory as well. Not criticizing your taste, you just seem to have a taste that I imagine will be compatible with a large amount of people. What is your lowest TCI? I imagine it might be quite higher than the average lowest TCI.. Although I might be off the mark completely here. :P

EDIT: Only now noticed you've been a member for a whopping 4 days. :P Sure you don't want to give Criticker a bit more time before you decide it's useless?
Also, nice ranking 1000+ films in 4 days. That must've taken a while.. Either that, or you were careless in your ratings and that has had an effect on the recommendations Criticker has given you. I find that I don't often remember how much I liked a film long afterwards, even when I think I do.. And when you rank that many films so fast.. Well, I dunno. I'd recommend more ranking films as you watch them, really.

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Re: Films in Common %

Post by JooJoo »

I really don't like the 'tier' system of this site.

To make my tiers make any sense I need to see an equal share of good/bad movies. Unless you're a professional critic, I don't see how [or more importantly, why] that would be happening. So, I have an alarmingly, one-sided library of rated films, half in the 78+ range, rendering TCIs completely useless.

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Re: Films in Common %

Post by cagedwisdom »

JooJoo wrote:I really don't like the 'tier' system of this site.

To make my tiers make any sense I need to see an equal share of good/bad movies. Unless you're a professional critic, I don't see how [or more importantly, why] that would be happening. So, I have an alarmingly, one-sided library of rated films, half in the 78+ range, rendering TCIs completely useless.

I've probably seen just as many bad as good movies. Because it's fun. Hilarious, really.. I don't really think that is much of a problem though. I used to have way too high-rated films before (until I went and changed them all to have an equal amount of films on each ranking), and it was never a problem for me. Watching only good films doesn't matter. As long as you sort them according to which you like the best, it should still give you recommendations of films you'd like the best..

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Re: Films in Common %

Post by JooJoo »

Yoshiking wrote:
JooJoo wrote:I really don't like the 'tier' system of this site.

To make my tiers make any sense I need to see an equal share of good/bad movies. Unless you're a professional critic, I don't see how [or more importantly, why] that would be happening. So, I have an alarmingly, one-sided library of rated films, half in the 78+ range, rendering TCIs completely useless.

I've probably seen just as many bad as good movies. Because it's fun. Hilarious, really.. I don't really think that is much of a problem though. I used to have way too high-rated films before (until I went and changed them all to have an equal amount of films on each ranking), and it was never a problem for me. Watching only good films doesn't matter. As long as you sort them according to which you like the best, it should still give you recommendations of films you'd like the best..

Well, that only works for you because, apparently, the quality of the films you watch even out in the end. Having a list of the movies I like best is something I can do in my head, I don't need a site for it.

I don't like watching bad movies, most don't. Some have a certain charm about it but I don't really have the time and there are just so many great movies out there, I don't like wasting the time. Besides scouring the site for crap movies I've seen in the past I don't see how I could alter this, or if there's even a better system.

so I wanted to put that out there and see if anyone was of similar sentiments.

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Re: Films in Common %

Post by Spunkie »

This has been discussed numerous times before. Actually you don't have to score movies you watched all spread on the scale. But at least you need to regard the tier system. Try to find out if movies you scored seems likely to be in the tiers they show up according to your taste. Just let near to perfect movies in your tier 10-9 and move down accordingly with a general scaling in your mind. Since you are choosy with movies you watch, Psis won't work perfect with you, at least will get better. It's just the way it is...

If you hang around for some time to make good use of Criticker you'll notice by time whose taste you might watch out. So manual gazing skills works better when you get used to it. Hope it helps.

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Re: Films in Common %

Post by JooJoo »

thanks, that scaling down my ratings to adjust to the tiers seems like the best option.

I just don't like people seeing stuff like Stalker on my tier 1 and thinking I'm a complete lunatic. :geek:

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