Stars not showing marked in different areas.

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Stars not showing marked in different areas.

Post by Paxton »

I've noticed that the reviews I star through my Kumpels page aren't holding the marking for being starred. Previously starred reviews are showing as unmarked as though not starred. I now notice that the user page shows a blank star for reviews starred as well. It looks like individual film pages are the only ones holding. To be clear I have the ability to star the review on either the user page or Kumpel page, but if refreshed it will go back to blank.
I've provided some pictures. All of the snaps are current, as in the review was originally starred on the Kumpel page but doesn't show as such anywhere now other than the Film page.
2c.PNG (228.24 KiB) Viewed 596 times
2b.PNG (77.06 KiB) Viewed 596 times
2a.PNG (78.09 KiB) Viewed 596 times

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Re: Stars not showing marked in different areas.

Post by mpowell »

Hmm... shoot, okay, this is something we'll want to look into soon. Sorry about the issue! It's probably related to some back-end changes we made recently.

We'll update here once we have it fixed.

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Re: Stars not showing marked in different areas.

Post by iconogassed »

For me stars given on film pages do not appear (with the gold star) with the review in recent kumpel activity (home page and kumpel page), nor the user's profile page.

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Re: Stars not showing marked in different areas.

Post by mpowell »

This one should now be fixed! Thanks again for letting us know.

More details can be found here.

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