
Criticker Newbie - 1 Game Ratings
Member Since: 02 Jun 2019
Location: American Samoa
TCI: not enough ratings
Games in Common: 0
Not in Your Top 1000 TCIs
Bio: hi im a criticker now and watch and see well watch my see on what you NEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEED to see

more Recent Ratings

0% Fortnite (2017) - Rated 03 Jun 2019
"listen so i dont know how much this oes to weather its up to 100 or somethins so im gonna just do it out of 5. Ok so i like playing this game but theres always a but... thos game is sour i meen its lost its spark its power and most important its effect so 3 out of 5! see you soon in a nother report"