
Game Buff - 182 Game Ratings
Member Since: 21 Apr 2009
Location: Finland
Bio: I am a bit picky on my watching, so my ratings are top-heavy with several films at T3 and T2 still watchable...

more Recent Ratings

20 1% The Graveyard (2008) - Rated 04 Mar 2024
30 6% Project Starship (2016) - Rated 04 Mar 2024
80 84% King's Bounty: Armored Princess (2009) - Rated 04 Mar 2024
30 6% Hue (2016) - Rated 04 Mar 2024
70 62% HOOK (2015) - Rated 04 Mar 2024
70 62% Hexcells Infinite (2014) - Rated 04 Mar 2024
50 24% Hero of the Kingdom III (2018) - Rated 04 Mar 2024
60 41% Hero of the Kingdom II (2015) - Rated 04 Mar 2024
50 24% Hero of the Kingdom (2012) - Rated 04 Mar 2024
80 84% Delete (2018) - Rated 04 Mar 2024