Bug Fixes - May 6

This is where you'll find information about updates to the site -- new features we've introduced, bugs we've fixed, and anything else which might be of interest to the community!
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Bug Fixes - May 6

Post by mpowell »

Hi everyone -- we've just checked out another set of new bug fixes! Here are some of the highlights:

Platform Info Missing on Games - On the Games version of the site, we weren't showing the platforms for which each game was available. That's now been added!

PSIs disorganized on regeneration - When regenerating PSIs from the PSI List page, the resulting list was not shown in order of PSI. That's been corrected.

Messy Platforms on Games PSI List - There was horrible formatting of platforms on the PSI List for games, which has now been cleaned.

Rated Titles Appearing on Rate More Films - This page has historically only shown you titles which you haven't yet rated, but a recent coding error made it so that even titles you had rated were showing up here. No longer!

Mime Types for CSV Files - Some users of windows were often encountering a weird Mime Type error when attempting to import scores, even when the supplied CSV file was completely valid.

Title box on profile busted on mobile - On your profile, the box which shows your recent ratings, your top tcis, etc, should use a dropdown menu. It wasn't doing this.

Add Meta Quest to Game Platforms

Thanks again to everyone who's been submitting these bugs! We've still got some to go, so if we haven't gotten to a bug that you submitted, rest assured that we will!

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Re: Bug Fixes - May 6

Post by Ramy »

Some bugs:

1. On the top TCI's page, the #1 spot is now our own profile.

2. In Recent Ratings on people's profiles, the date of the rating doesn't show anymore.

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Joined: Fri Sep 09, 2005 10:22 am

Re: Bug Fixes - May 6

Post by mpowell »

Ramy wrote:
Wed May 08, 2024 4:50 pm
Some bugs:

1. On the top TCI's page, the #1 spot is now our own profile.

2. In Recent Ratings on people's profiles, the date of the rating doesn't show anymore.
Thanks for pointing these out! We'll get both of them fixed up soon!

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