Import Ratings from Letterboxd

This is where you'll find information about updates to the site -- new features we've introduced, bugs we've fixed, and anything else which might be of interest to the community!
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Import Ratings from Letterboxd

Post by mpowell »

Hey everyone! We’ve just released a much-requested update to our Import functionality, allowing you to upload your ratings from Letterboxd into Criticker! Here’s a quick video which walks through the changes:

That’s not all! You can also now import a manually-created CSV file, following a couple simple rules.

This has been a long time coming, and we’re thankful to everyone who’s suggested this as a feature enhancement.

Check out the new functionality here. Please let us know what you think, and also which other rating sites you’d like to see something similar for!

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Re: Import Ratings from Letterboxd

Post by Victoriouz »

That's a great addition!

Might I suggest something though? Watching the video I realized having the import feature under "Feeds and More" might not be intuitive. I personally like to explore every section of a new site I'm going to frequent, but the average new user might not.

So my suggestion would be adding a separate "Import ratings" link on the navigation bar so it's easier to find. And there could be a welcome message on the homepage (and maybe on some other pages, like their user profile) for new users/users with very few ratings (like maybe under 30? or 50?) saying they can import ratings and a link to the page.

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Re: Import Ratings from Letterboxd

Post by NIV7 »

+1 to having an "Import Ratings" link that is labeled that way and/or right on the main page and/or part of making a new profile. It was not intuitive at all and this post (which is how I found it) was at the bottom of the site/forum search results so there was l a b o r required to make it happen.

I've been on MovieLens haphazardly since 2010, imported to Letterboxd to share public lists, and then immediately went looking for another site that promised "find users who like similar movies" — it was immensely frustrating when there did not seem to be an import option, especially when the top site/forum search results all seemed to be asking for this feature.

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