Bug Fixes - August 11

This is where you'll find information about updates to the site -- new features we've introduced, bugs we've fixed, and anything else which might be of interest to the community!
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Bug Fixes - August 11

Post by mpowell »

Hello everyone! We've prepared a big batch of new bug fixes, all with the aim of making Criticker an even better site! Thanks as always to everyone who has let us know about these issues :)

Update History doesn't show submission
When you click on the "Show Update History" button for a title, it would make sense for that history to start with the title's original submission to Criticker. Now, it does so.


Stats not full width cards
Statistics for each film were not properly fitting into their container's size. This has been repaired!

Ratings no longer alphabetical within rating
If you've got a bunch of ratings of "90", they should be sub-sorted by name. Before, they were being sorted in what seemed a random order, but that's now been corrected.

Show AKA in Search Results
If you searched on something like "The Investigator", and it matches a film that has "The Investigator" as its AKA, we weren't showing that AKA in the results -- just the film's primary title. This was unnecessarily confusing, and has now been corrected.


Blocked users contributing to avg percentile
If you've blocked certain users from your Criticker experience, they're now being removed from the "Average Percentile" scores found on every title's page.

Release Type not maintained
If someone hits "back" on the Title Submission form, we were retaining most of the information, but not this field (for "Film", "TV Series", "TV Movie", etc) for some reason. That's been fixed!

Percentiles Out of Whack
Some users with a huge number of ratings were having their percentiles calculated improperly. We found and corrected the error in the code, so that it works properly for users with any number of ratings. (If you were experiencing this issue, it should be fixed the next time you rate any title).

Speed Improvements to the Kumpel Joint Recommendations
We made massive improvements to the speed of this little feature on the Kumpels page. We think this is a cool feature which we have never really promoted, but plan on doing so once we revamp the Kumpels page. First though, it had to be a little faster!

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