Finally It's Here: Mobile-Friendly Criticker

Ideas to improve Criticker and new feature requests, as well as announcements about new enhancements.
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Re: Finally It's Here: Mobile-Friendly Criticker

Post by djross »

mpowell wrote:
djross wrote:Using iOS on iPhone, there are some problems:

    on the profile page, it shows "recent rankings", but it seems there's no way to switch to "Best TCIs", "Remembered List", "Recent Kumpel Activity" and so on. Is that deliberate?

Not deliberate! (Well... a little deliberate). To save room on mobile devices, we compressed these options under a menu, which should appear when you press the hamburger icon, next to "Recent Rankings". Is that not working for you?

Yes, this is working now. Previously that hamburger icon was visible but not working. Also, drop down menus no longer disappear. From what I can tell, everything is now working correctly on iOS.

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Re: Finally It's Here: Mobile-Friendly Criticker

Post by mattorama12 »

I'm late to the party (as always here on Criticker), but the update is looking great. In the short amount of time I've perused on mobile (chrome on android), I haven't come across any bugs. Great job and thanks for the work you guys put in to this, we all appreciate it!

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Re: Finally It's Here: Mobile-Friendly Criticker

Post by ribcage »

mpowell wrote:
ribcage wrote:On Android if I search a film but don't go directly to its page the search results list won't show me my ranking on any films I've ranked...they all display the PSIs.

Thanks for this catch! I think we've fixed this up. Could you let us know if it looks better?

Yes rankings are showing on the search list now

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Re: Finally It's Here: Mobile-Friendly Criticker

Post by Ramy »

Found a bug : Whenever I'm looking at somebody else's movie rankings and I add a filter (example: 1991 to 1999), it takes me to a random page in the Full Database.

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Re: Finally It's Here: Mobile-Friendly Criticker

Post by iconogassed »

Seeing irregularities that I'd hope aren't irreversible aesthetic accommodations for mobile. Textboxes for scores are very small, same size as the arrows (are people really going to use these?) and can't even display three digits (ie. 100 appears as 10). The same thing is happening when 100s are displayed after having been entered:


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Re: Finally It's Here: Mobile-Friendly Criticker

Post by iconogassed »

Additionally, there is no limit to the amount of digits that can be entered into a textbox

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Re: Finally It's Here: Mobile-Friendly Criticker

Post by mpowell »

Maaxwell wrote:Something's gone a little funny when using the forum.

Is this messed-up style only happening on the forum pages? We're not seeing it, here. We've purged the forum cache, which was perhaps causing a problem. If it's still happening, could you clear your browser's cache and try again? Please let us know if this fixes it, or if it's still a problem.

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Re: Finally It's Here: Mobile-Friendly Criticker

Post by mpowell »

undinum wrote:Textboxes for scores are very small, same size as the arrows (are people really going to use these?)

Those spinners were an oversight -- they appear by default, and we had shut them off for Chrome (and I believe Safari), but they were still popping up in Firefox. Check again, they should be gone, I think.

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Re: Finally It's Here: Mobile-Friendly Criticker

Post by mpowell »

Maaxwell wrote:Just the zoom issue affecting me now!

Please check again ... I think this might be solved, now.

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Re: Finally It's Here: Mobile-Friendly Criticker

Post by MacSwell »

mpowell wrote:
Maaxwell wrote:Just the zoom issue affecting me now!

Please check again ... I think this might be solved, now.

Brilliant! Thanks again mpowell.

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