QMDB Recommendations - Part 2

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Re: QMDB Recommendations - Part 2

Post by Quicky »

PeaceAnarchy wrote:It's just that intuitively +/-9% means a predicted score of 75 will be between 66 and 84 only 70% of the time which doesn't seem all that accurate.

Indeed. However, I'm quite confident that there are very few other computerized recommendation systems that are more accurate than this. Relying on nothing but numbers (well... almost nothing but numbers) is inherently inaccurate. I use a Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE) to calculate the error, which means it puts more emphasis on outliers.

PeaceAnarchy wrote:One thing I should note is that removing correlation doesn't necessarily make the parameters independent and while what you're doing looks like a good approximation, something about it doesn't seem right to me, but it may just be that I'm not thinking this through again. Actually, the more I think about it I think it's a good approximation, just maybe not the best approach. If I have time I'll try to think about it and see if I can figure out what's bothering me.

Yeah, now that I think of it again, removing the correlations does indeed not imply that there are no dependencies left. You're completely right. I still think it's a decent approximation to replace my brute force method which was a little more accurate and more useful probably, but a 1000 times slower. I'd love to find a better algorithm though...

Quicky wrote:What does adding them involve? If it's just changing the links to point directly to the movies I'd be willing to do that when I have some time.

What I need are the codes that uniquely identify the movie on each of the three websites I use (criticker.com, imdb.com, boxofficemojo.com). For Criticker and IMDB these are numbers, for BoxOfficeMojo it's a string. The webpage I uploaded for you contains links that should almost point at the movies on the three websites. I don't really need the links, but I need the identifiers that uniquely define the links so that I can put them in my Excel database.

So for example, for the second movie of that list, this is what I would have to put in my Excel file:
  1. "0811106" (taken from http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0811106)
  2. "15423" (taken from http://www.criticker.com/?f=15423)
  3. "ten" (taken from http://boxofficemojo.com/movies/?id=ten.htm)
So, if you want to help out, you could give me a text file or an excel file that contains three columns, the first one being the imdb codes, the second one being the criticker codes and the third one being the boxofficemojo strings. If there's no appropriate page for the movie on BoxOfficeMojo you fill out a dash ("-"). This will be the majority of the cases for these movies since the ones that are on the list are the ones that are not so popular on Criticker, and thus much less likely to be on BoxOfficeMojo which doesn't have a very extensive database.

This is what it should preferably look like when you give me the list:

Code: Select all

0113820   5553   powerrangers
0193364   9329   -
0424774   3720   -
0367652   3729   deucebigalow2
0103923   8667   -
0373908   1419   honeymooners
0396592   1050   fatalbert
0105477   5576   stopormymomwillshoot
0308208   226   ecksvssever
0118615   122   anaconda
0140796   9256   airbud2

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Re: QMDB Recommendations - Part 2

Post by paulofilmo »

How about giving extra weight in the parameters to films that the user has scored in a way that would suggest the user considers the films underrated (relative to PSI and IMDb).

The Bourne Identity (2002)
Your Score: 82
PSI: 69
IMDb: 7.6

You might get better insight into users' preferences of themes/keywords/genres/actors etc.


Have you considered using more of the information available on IMDb?

Like: actors/screenwriters/casting directors/composers/soundtracks/genre combinations/language/country/certification

It sounds complicated, but I bet there's some very useful correlations to be had between Criticker score and IMDb information. I've certainly noticed a preference for certain composers and prolific screenwriters. There's usually a great chance that I'll like the movies that they've been involved with.

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Re: QMDB Recommendations - Part 2

Post by MmzHrrdb »

Quicky, did you get my message?

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Re: QMDB Recommendations - Part 2

Post by Quicky »

Hey FitFortDanga,

Yeah, I've read your message. I've just been really busy these last two weeks wrapping up my two years of being treasurer in a local student volleyball club. I've got to present the financial results and a new budget next week, so I'm kinda busy with that along with my academic stuff...

Don't worry though, I'll get to it, eventually ;).


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Re: QMDB Recommendations - Part 2

Post by Quicky »

Here's an updated list for PeaceAnarchy who provided me with a list of movies I still had to add to complete his list.
I know I haven't been posting much the last two weeks. I'm really busy for the moment and that will last till next week or so.
Cheers, Tijl

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Re: QMDB Recommendations - Part 2

Post by MmzHrrdb »

Not to be a nag, but any progress with mine?

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Re: QMDB Recommendations - Part 2

Post by Quicky »

FitFortDanga wrote:Not to be a nag, but any progress with mine?

As I wrote to you in an e-mail, I made a list for you based on about 1700 of your ranked movies. You can find the last version (slightly different from the one I sent you in the e-mail) here: http://thequicky.net/files/fitfortdanga ... tions2.pdf

For the others: I have added a new page to the .pdf. This new page has a slightly altered "In Theaters" list (now containing equal amounts of popcorn and non-popcorn movies), but much more importantly, it features a "Varied Top Recommendations" list. With this new list, I've attempted to make a list of top recommendations that is varied enough to provide you with movies to watch at all times and in whatever mood you are.

I've tried to make this list into a representative list of movies that you would watch (and like) by not just adding your top recommendations, but by adding movies from your top recommendations in such a way that the final list has a balanced list of movies. This means that it will contain both young and old movies, both popcorn and non-popcorn movies and movies of all five main genres.

So what this means is that if your top recommendations list contains 80% arthouse, your varied recommendations list will not contain 80% arthouse, but only about 30 or 35% arthouse for example, depending on how often you actually watch arthouse. So it'll contain both movies that are suitable for when you want to watch a really good but maybe difficult movie, but it'll also contain movies that you may rate a little lower, but are suitable for when you want to watch something lighter.

The varied list tries to make a list of movies that you'll actually watch and enjoy watching, and thus not just what you will rate the highest!

Since I started using this new list about 8 movies ago, I have found it extremely useful. Now when I want to watch a movie I just pick one from this list. I don't need anything else because there's always at least one that I feel like watching since the list is so varied, yet still contains high quality movies.

For PeaceAnarchy this new page looks like this:

Notice that it contains movies from all genres and from all ages, unlike his top recommendations list which contains primarily arthouse as you can see below:


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Re: QMDB Recommendations - Part 2

Post by PeaceAnarchy »

I have to say, that's pretty cool. One thing I would suggest is excluding the movies from the first list in the second. Call them something like "Varied top recommendations" and "more recommendations" to get a larger variety.

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Re: QMDB Recommendations - Part 2

Post by Quicky »

PeaceAnarchy wrote:I have to say, that's pretty cool. One thing I would suggest is excluding the movies from the first list in the second. Call them something like "Varied top recommendations" and "more recommendations" to get a larger variety.

Good idea, that's actually easy to implement. Thanks!

[EDIT] Which would you prefer and why (if you have any reasoning)? I'm leaning towards the 2nd option right now, because I find the Varied Top Recommendations much more useful because of its variety than the More Recommendations list.

Theaters: 9 movies
Varied Top Recommendations: 30 movies
More Recommendations: 40 movies


Varied Top Recommendations: 40 movies
Theaters: 9 movies
More Recommendations: 30 movies

[EDIT 2] Also, do you think the page with 7 movies per genre has any remaining value considering the new Varied Top Recommendations list? I'm thinking not really. I originally added the 7 movies per genre because the Top Recommendations usually focused on only a couple of the main genres. With the new Varied Top Recommendations list this problem has already been taken care of in a way...

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Re: QMDB Recommendations - Part 2

Post by Quicky »

Here's a new list for you with the change you suggested, PeaceAnarchy: Click!

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