Skewed tiers when mostly good films ranked

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Re: Skewed tiers when mostly good films ranked

Post by acefreemok »

This isn't a bug, more just feedback... One problem I find with this system is that personally I use tools such as IMDB and Metacritic to ensure I rarely watch crap films. As a result, 80% of my films I'm rating 70+, so even films I think are good are ending up as Tier 2 or 3 and system is labelling them bad... I'm assuming this will ultimately give me skewered tci ratings...
One suggestion I have is allowing the user to alter the tier settings, so in my case anything between 0 - 40 may be t1, anything between 41-50 = t2, anything between 51 - 58 =t3, between 59 - 64 = t4, between 65 - 69 = t5 etc etc etc

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Re: Skewed tiers when mostly good films ranked

Post by TheAlliance »

I think this might explain some things:
( btw, welcome to Criticker :) )

[This is a reply from a earlier post in the bugs topic]

mpowell - We have something similar listed as an enhancement (#233) -- allowing users to place the different "red/green/yellow" lines in their film lists. So, that you could say where "Great, Good, and Not So Hot" films begin and end. We can't allow change to the underlying mathematics (the tiers) without messing about with Criticker's heart, but the assignment of colors to scores is pretty superficial. So, we're going to work on this at some point! - Aug 07, 09:33

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Re: Skewed tiers when mostly good films ranked

Post by Magb »

Well, I think what he's suggesting is that "Criticker's heart" is somewhat flawed. I tend to agree. I think it's the case for a lot of us that we've actually seen more movies we like than ones we dislike, and the tier system only works "perfectly" if the movies you've rated are perfectly distributed across the quality spectrum. For the most part the system still works quite well, but I think it would work even better if the tiers could be more flexible.

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Re: Skewed tiers when mostly good films ranked

Post by acefreemok »

From my understanding of the TCI, I can't see why this wouldn't work. It could be something only available to users with a minimum amount of votes to ensure that people messing with it actually have an understanding of that they are doing.
Ultimately in my case, I think the TCI is flawed and I wonder whether I'd get more appropriate results based on the actual scores I have entered.

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Re: Skewed tiers when mostly good films ranked

Post by PeaceAnarchy »

Well, I think the reason the tiers are automatic is based on the fact that one person's 8 is another person's 5, so this is supposed to even things out. The problem, as you noted though, is that most of us don't watch movies randomly, so the actual distribution of scores will be skewed. So instead of being based on how we subjectively assign numbers, it's based on how we subjectively choose what to watch. That said, I think the fact that this is common for everyone offsets this problem quite a bit. What I think would be a good idea is if criticker would calculate 2 TCI's, one like it does now and one based on tiers we define ourselves. I'd actually be curious to see if this makes much of a difference.

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Re: Skewed tiers when mostly good films ranked

Post by Moribunny »

I have to agree with everyone else on this, but from a different angle. I happen to feel that most films are mediocre or pretty bad, and that good, genuinely smart films are a precious rarity (and particularly awful films are relatively uncommon, too).
So in my case Criticker puts some of the films I think are merely alright or decent in tiers 7 or 8, meaning I think they're good or great, and way too many films that I consider flawed are in tier 10.

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