save/ignore/watched -> a third quick button would make my day

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save/ignore/watched -> a third quick button would make my day

Post by MrsSerious »

Hello kumpels

I am new to criticker, to whom I joined following a disappointing personalization effort of Imdb. I am not sure why no tracking platforms offer this but it would mean much to me if there was a quick button to mark a film as watched. There are so many occasions that one has watched a movie in the past and cannot possibly remember enough to give a fair rating or bother to do so. following such a marking with the quick button, an easy tweak could be a font color change of this quick button. This choice could also serve as a filter during search suggestions etc

Hope other people like the idea enough.

Thank you for your consideration.

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Re: save/ignore/watched -> a third quick button would make my day

Post by mpowell »

Thanks for that suggestion! I believe we have something similar to this listed in our database of ideas for enhancements... I can see that it would be useful, also as a way to quickly mark titles with the intention of rating them later.

Our list of suggested enhancements is quite long, so I can't promise when we'd be able to get to this. But it's a great idea, and we appreciate you taking the time to suggest it!

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Re: save/ignore/watched -> a third quick button would make my day

Post by xenosapiens »

I know the staff is already working on adding this, but just wanted to chime in and second the request for this feature. Sometimes you just don't know what rating to give a title, for whatever reason, but still want to mark it as seen.

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