Age of Wonders
Age of Wonders
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Age of Wonders

Age of Wonders

Age of Wonders is a turn-based strategy game set in a fantasy scenario. The campaign can be played on two sides and tells a tale how the humans come to a new land and destabilized the peace between the races, throwing the land into war. There is an extensive diplomatic matrix which structures the relationships between the 12 races and their respective leaders. There are global-spells which can be cast on the strategic map, outside of tactical combat. (

Age of Wonders

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Avg Percentile 35% from 9 total ratings

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Rated 25 Feb 2022
Uno dei pochi strategici a turni in giro, aldilà della saga di Heroes of Might and Magic. Il confronto con quest'ultimo ovviamente è impietoso, ma calcolando che risale a più di 20 anni fa anni fa è relativamente piacevole da giocare. Qualche buco nella trama delle campagne e un gameplay a volte macchinoso sono i difetti maggiori. Nel complesso consigliato solo agli amanti della strategia a turni.
Rated 24 Apr 2019
The beginning of a heavily Master of Magic inspired series, with a more contemporary look and a few more recent touches like a Lords of Magic style alignment system. The original entries came out in quick succession, and quickly superseded each other with more polish, balance, and various other improvements. Although this first one is decent, it suffers from a more awkward interface and less scripted campaign. I don't know that I'd really recommend the entries before Shadow Magic at this point.

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