
Criticker Newbie - 2 Game Ratings
Member Since: 03 Jun 2011
Location: B.C., Canada
Age: 123
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0% Ape Escape (1999) - Rated 05 Oct 2018
"Too lazy to submit a game so will put my review of Ape Escape 2 here. Still a pretty fun game. Apes are cool and the costumes they wear are ace. Camera work sucked for the PS2 eh?"
0% Grand Theft Auto V (2013) - Rated 04 Oct 2018
"The first video game I completed since I was a kid. Pretty fun, the best missions were the ones that were shootouts. The missions with any sort of flying left something to be desired, but maybe that's just me because I'm really bad at it. Obviously a killer soundtrack, but the music during the mission where you go to that snowy place is incredible and one of the few times you really get a cinematic feeling. There's nothing better than flipping your car in the air soundtracked by Burial."