
Game Buff - 182 Game Ratings
Member Since: 10 Nov 2015
Location: Denmark

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50 13% Shadow of the Tomb Raider (2018) - Rated 23 Feb 2024
"My least favourite of the 3 games in the franchise reboot. Too much time is spent on running around across the map. Trading and crafting is not well developed and unnecessary. Just make it a natural progress in the game to get better equipment. But worst of all. Story is just not very engaging. “First” game I really wanted to save Sam and get off the island. Here I just didn’t care. Neither story or collecting all artefacts. Visually very well done though."
60 26% Company of Heroes 2 (2013) - Rated 03 Oct 2022
15 1% Instant Sports (2019) - Rated 19 Aug 2022
"Doesn’t work with the controllers 10% as well as on the wii making almost impossible. Furthermore the games aren’t really that funny."
60 26% Rise of the Tomb Raider (2015) - Rated 01 Jun 2022
"Not as good as the first instalment in the reboot and the story feels a bit copy paste from the first game. The map is also harder to use but there are some nice new additions with additional missions you can undertake. However the linear game experience is a bit messed up. You have to double back to a already explored area almost when the game is over because you can’t solve it before. Seems illogical and you need to be a die hard fan to do this.. But overall still a good game"
45 10% L.A. Noire (2011) - Rated 05 May 2021
60 26% R.U.S.E. (2010) - Rated 05 May 2021
"Pretty solid RTS, however story is pretty obvious. Really enjoyed the strategy bit and the chaotic battles. However the whole ruse part was for me not really used and often useless. A bit strange when that is what it sells itself on."
70 44% Silent Hunter III (2005) - Rated 09 Jun 2020
"Highly enjoyable sim game. However biggest complaint is that the medals and promotion system is highly flawed."
65 35% Civilization VI (2016) - Rated 09 Jun 2020
"Despite some new features like districts and armies it’s still the same game as civilization 4. Very repayable but still suffers from the problems that was introduced in civ 4. Some factions are still woefully underpowered in special features late in the game compared to others and the whole international diplomacy system is although slightly improved still very bad. More or less everyone denounces everyone towards the end which makes the whole system pointless."
70 44% StarCraft II: Legacy of the Void (2015) - Rated 09 Jun 2020
65 35% Yahtzee (1956) - Rated 20 Dec 2018