
Criticker Newbie - 2 Game Ratings
Member Since: 24 Sep 2021
Location: Denmark
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100 0% Warhammer 40,000: Mechanicus (2018) - Rated 24 Sep 2021
"An absolute treat! Whether or not you are a fan of the Warhammer 40.000 setting you should check out this interesting title that combines rogue-lite elements with "X-Com" style turn-based combat. The visuals are phenomenal and the soundtrack is so memorable that as I write this review I can hear "Dance of the Crypteks" in my head. Buy it and play it the next time you have the chance!"
93 0% Necromunda: Hired Gun (2021) - Rated 24 Sep 2021
"Fans of Warhammer 40.000 and newcomers alike will admire the attention to detail in this fast paced shooter that combines striking visuals with a great soundtrack and gameplay that will satisfy most FPS gamers. This is a great game if your are in the mood for a grimdark shooting experience that is completable within a realistic timespan. "I was there when Horus fell...""