Zero Dark Thirty

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Re: Zero Dark Thirty

Post by ayall »

nauru wrote:
Her production values is very bland and matches that of a simple 1990's high school film project.
I would say, at best, she's the female equivalent of Micheal Bay.

One of the things Michael Bay is really good at though is great production value...


Spielburg and Scorsese have great production value.

Michael Bay is as bland and mediocre as they come.
I'll give him credit for some (not much) CGI Production Value, but the rest is just straight bland.

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Re: Zero Dark Thirty

Post by ShogunRua »

ayall wrote:
If THL is in your "top 50 greatest masterpieces" you have ever seen, then you must not have seen to many movies or your taste is just complete shit (no offense, by the way).

None taken. After all, how could I possibly take offense to that?

By the way ayall, you're a condescending dipshit who states opinions with zero support behind them yet believes they're God's own truth on a topic. (No offense, by the way)

ayall wrote:THL was a decent (maybe even good) film, but by no means on any respectable critics "top 50 greatest ever," I doubt many would even consider it top 50 greatest this century.

What the hell are "respectable critics"? People who you happen to agree with? And do you really want to use a bandwagon argument considering you're someone that rates Billy Madison in his T10 while ranking True Romance and Beverly Hills Cop as T2?

Who cares what others think? If you can actually think for yourself, and aren't a complete idiot, you should be able to present reasons why something is good or bad without having to refer to some vague body of "respectable critics" that supposedly back you up.

ayall wrote:As for Bigelow, I think (and many agree), that she's nothing special.
She's not much of an artist (Not even close to Kubrick, PTA, Aronofsky, etc.)
Her production values is very bland and matches that of a simple 1990's high school film project.
I would say, at best, she's the female equivalent of Micheal Bay.

I don't mind unusual opinions. I hold many unorthodox views myself. However, what's irritating about your posts is that you offer absolutely no support for any of them while simultaneously proclaiming that anyone who disagrees has shit taste.

Even someone as arrogant as myself doesn't do either of those two things.

Like, can you offer a shred of evidence for a single statement you wrote above?

Preferably without claiming some anonymous critic agrees with you?

ayall wrote:As for THL, i enjoyed it and thought it was entertaining, but it had many flaws and was definitely over rated.
I somewhat despise her obsession with US armed forces and completely disagree with her point of view.

What "point of view" is that? And what "obsession" does Bigelow have with the US armed forces? The fact that she made a film about them? In fact, how do you make a film like "The Hurt Locker" without having it focus on the US armed forces?

Are these the "flaws" that you have in mind, or are they something else?

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Re: Zero Dark Thirty

Post by ShogunRua »

One thing I find that rankles some about "The Hurt Locker" is that it's a war film about the Middle East while being completely apolitical.

That's okay for most, but it bothers extremists of either political persuasion. Some extreme conservatives want a more straightforward heroic story, without portraying how bleak the situation there is, and how fucked-up many soldiers become.

Meanwhile, extreme liberals hate that it doesn't condemn the war, but is rather neutral on the subject. They also hate that the soldiers are humanized and portrayed in a vaguely positive manner. (Note ayall's malformed ramblings above)

Of course, that's not actually a flaw of the film itself. Rather, it's the same reason why a Holocaust denier or Neo-Nazi hates a picture like "Schindler's List".

(And to clarify, there are certainly legitimate reasons for disliking both "The Hurt Locker" and "Schindler's List")

I imagine that "Zero Dark Thirty" is the same. Which, if you're not an extremist with a zealous political agenda you carry around with you all the time, is all the more reason to watch it.

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Re: Zero Dark Thirty

Post by ayall »

ShogunRua wrote:None taken.

I can see you truly mean that. ;)

ShogunRua wrote:What the hell are "respectable critics"? People who you happen to agree with?

Well, using the legal system as an example, if someone is on trail and they need an "expert witness," it's fair to use someone who's devoted their life (and have made a living) on the subject. Someone who's opinion is respect.
For example, checking out Roger Ebert's "top 50 movies of all time," the hurt locker is no where to be seen.

ShogunRua wrote: you offer absolutely no support for any of them while simultaneously proclaiming that anyone who disagrees has shit taste.

ShogunRua wrote:Like, can you offer a shred of evidence for a single statement you wrote above?

I did provide support, and I'm providing further support now.
The burden of proof is on you, to present a "respectable critic" who has THL on their "top 50 greatest ever" list.
Actually, in traditional Policy Debate format, you have the easier task.
Instead of me providing 1,000,000 lists which don't show the THL on them, you only have to provide 1 list which does show THL on it.

ShogunRua wrote:And do you really want to use a bandwagon argument considering you're someone that rates Billy Madison in his T10

Billy Madison was a great film my friend.
Unlike "Crank: High Voltage (2009)," which you have as a T10, most people (and reputable critics) enjoyed BM!

ShogunRua wrote:Who cares what others think? If you can actually think for yourself, and aren't a complete idiot, you should be able to present reasons why something is good or bad without having to refer to some vague body of "respectable critics" that supposedly back you up.

Wrong again!
You must not have a technical background, because when i'm writing/reviewing a proof, it's much easier to list/review knows facts such as "gravity on earth = 9.8 m/s" then to have to prove it out ever single fucking time I use/see the constant g.
Similarly, when talking about basic film concepts, it's easier to use common knowledge backed by experts in the field rather then to explain every point out like i'm talking to a 3 year old. (or am i?)

ShogunRua wrote:What "point of view" is that? And what "obsession" does Bigelow have with the US armed forces? The fact that she made a film about them? In fact, how do you make a film like "The Hurt Locker" without having it focus on the US armed forces?

Though I know you're not the typical American, you are coming off that way (so does Bigelow) thinking that the US armed forces is the only one who does this crap!
Why not make the movie with the focus on IDF (Israeli Defense Force)?, they've got much more experience on the subject then the US. You could also do it on France or Russia or China. The US is not the only military power in the world, and obsessively focusing on them gives off that view point.
To make it more balanced, the least Bigelow could have done was to throw in some scenes regarding intelligent sharing with foreign govts (or in 0dark30, the purposefully lack of sharing with Pakistan)

ShogunRua wrote:One thing I find that rankles some about "The Hurt Locker" is that it's a war film about the Middle East while being completely apolitical.

Not true, it was very political and that's the primary reason I didn't like it.

ShogunRua wrote:Are these the "flaws" that you have in mind, or are they something else?

While I agree with some of your posts regarding THL, this thread isn't about THL, but if you'd like to discus the many many flaws THL has, feel free to bump that thread back to the top and we'll get it going again.

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Re: Zero Dark Thirty

Post by CMonster »

ayall wrote:
Wrong again!
You must not have a technical background, because when i'm writing/reviewing a proof, it's much easier to list/review knows facts such as "gravity on earth = 9.8 m/s" then to have to prove it out ever single fucking time I use/see the constant g.
Similarly, when talking about basic film concepts, it's easier to use common knowledge backed by experts in the field rather then to explain every point out like i'm talking to a 3 year old. (or am i?)

Sorry, but I have to say this makes no sense. When you refer to the constant g, there is only one thing that it can be. Science is fact based. Film is opinion based. And simply referring to a vague body of "respectable critics" doesn't at all provide any support for your claim. In fact you said negative things about The Hurt Locker and a quick check of aggregate ranking sites shows an overwhelming amount of positive reviews over negative. I even took 3 seconds out of my day to type in "The Hurt Locker masterpiece critic" into google. The first two results were imdb and rottentomatoes. This was the third result. You may or may not be very intelligent, and no offense, but you would expect some body on a movie discussion forum on a movie ranking site to have real points, even if it's just your opinion. It's really easy to fall into the trap of just referring to critics because their grass is always greener ;) ;) . But as a child at heart, I really think that its important to just say what you think and not what others think. Some of the best things in life are free, like a good discussion, but I can't a a discussion with Ebert, so I want to have a discussion with you. We may be strangers, but strangers are just friends waiting to happen. I realize I sometimes come across as an asshole, but you know, it takes one to know one, which is why this discussions are so good.

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Re: Zero Dark Thirty

Post by ayall »


you're funny CMonster.

The argument wasn't THL negative/positive reviews.
I stated I thought THL was good (positive).

The argument was weather THL is worth of being "top 50 greatest masterpieces of all time"

I think that's bogus by any stretch of the imagination.

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Re: Zero Dark Thirty

Post by ShogunRua »

ayall wrote:Well, using the legal system as an example, if someone is on trail and they need an "expert witness," it's fair to use someone who's devoted their life (and have made a living) on the subject. Someone who's opinion is respect.
For example, checking out Roger Ebert's "top 50 movies of all time," the hurt locker is no where to be seen.

Once again, who cares? Roger Ebert is far from infallible; he has given lots of shitty films high marks in recent years. That's not even getting into how many newspaper critics are pressured into giving higher scores to certain films. (Note how the shills shamelessly lied about Revenge of the Sith)

By the way, you're the same guy who loved Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith, gave a T10 to freaking Billy Madison, and hated (T2) both True Romance and Beverly Hills Cop. The fact that you're using "critical opinion" as a pseudo-argument shows how intellectually bankrupt you are in any actual support behind your views, and how hypocritical that really is.

ayall wrote:The burden of proof is on you, to present a "respectable critic" who has THL on their "top 50 greatest ever" list.
Actually, in traditional Policy Debate format, you have the easier task.
Instead of me providing 1,000,000 lists which don't show the THL on them, you only have to provide 1 list which does show THL on it.

What "burden of proof"? You're the one who brought up "respectable critics" into this discussion, not me. I only stated that The Hurt Locker was one of my top 50 films ever. I don't care about any critics' list, although it's pretty damn easy to find critics that absolutely loved it.

In fact, I am the one who has repeatedly stated that using "critics" as one's ONLY argument is fucking retarded, so why is there burden of proof on me to use this same idiot pseudo-reasoning? Like, do you understand anything about discussion and an actual exchange of ideas?

This would be the equivalent of us arguing about 19th century literature, and then you bringing up the fact that most food critics prefer using oranges over grapes, then demanding that I show any who prefers grapes, as a "burden of proof".

ayall wrote:Billy Madison was a great film my friend.
Unlike "Crank: High Voltage (2009)," which you have as a T10, most people (and reputable critics) enjoyed BM!

Far more critics/people liked The Hurt Locker, and far more critics/people hated Billy Madison. That was the point.

You're using this pseudo-argument about "critics like", but your own rankings aren't even consistent with it.

ayall wrote:Wrong again!
You must not have a technical background, because when i'm writing/reviewing a proof, it's much easier to list/review knows facts such as "gravity on earth = 9.8 m/s" then to have to prove it out ever single fucking time I use/see the constant g.
Similarly, when talking about basic film concepts, it's easier to use common knowledge backed by experts in the field rather then to explain every point out like i'm talking to a 3 year old. (or am i?)

This might easily be the dumbest thing you have written on this forums, which is a hell of an accomplishment coming from you.

You're seriously conflating an actual scientific FACT with a nebulous critical OPINION as one and the same?

I'm not 3 years old, but mentally, you seem to be, as you have never even learned the difference between "facts" and "opinions".

ayall wrote:Though I know you're not the typical American, you are coming off that way (so does Bigelow) thinking that the US armed forces is the only one who does this crap!

Does what?

ayall wrote:Why not make the movie with the focus on IDF (Israeli Defense Force)?, they've got much more experience on the subject then the US. You could also do it on France or Russia or China. The US is not the only military power in the world, and obsessively focusing on them gives off that view point.
To make it more balanced, the least Bigelow could have done was to throw in some scenes regarding intelligent sharing with foreign govts (or in 0dark30, the purposefully lack of sharing with Pakistan)

So the reason you dislike "The Hurt Locker" is that it focused on the US military instead of foreign armies? Even though the film is ABOUT the US military? This would be like hating "Citizen Kane" because it doesn't focus on other millionaires that have died.

I see now why you focused so much on critical reviews. You can't actually come up with anything remotely intelligent yourself.

ayall wrote:Not true, it was very political and that's the primary reason I didn't like it.

Yes, I wrote about this above; if you're a political extremist, "The Hurt Locker" came across as "very political" to you. If you're a sane person, however, it did not.

ayall wrote:While I agree with some of your posts regarding THL, this thread isn't about THL, but if you'd like to discus the many many flaws THL has, feel free to bump that thread back to the top and we'll get it going again.

Perhaps if you had any worthwhile, well-supported arguments to make about the film.

But so far, I have only read vague allusions to "respectable critics" and anger that a film about the US military was even made to begin with.

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Re: Zero Dark Thirty

Post by ayall »

well, well, well...

ShogunRua wrote:you're the same guy who loved Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith, gave a T10 to freaking Billy Madison

Yes, but I never ever claimed them to be top 50 greatest masterpieces in all of time.
I'd list them far far far far far far from them, even though i really enjoyed both, found them to be very entertaining and would recommend them.

ShogunRua wrote:What "burden of proof"?

I was being a little too silly there. :mrgreen:

ShogunRua wrote: This might easily be the dumbest thing you have written on this forums, which is a hell of an accomplishment coming from you.

No way dude, I've said much much dumber things on this forum. That's not even in the top 50. :D

ShogunRua wrote:
ayall wrote:Though I know you're not the typical American, you are coming off that way (so does Bigelow) thinking that the US armed forces is the only one who does this crap!

Does what?


ShogunRua wrote:So the reason you dislike "The Hurt Locker" is that it focused on the US military instead of foreign armies

Nope, I dislike it because it's extremely political with distorted one-sided view as most hollywood movies tend to be.

ShogunRua wrote:This would be like hating "Citizen Kane" because it doesn't focus on other millionaires that have died.

Now you've finally named a movie that merits a spot in the "top 50 greatest masterpieces of all time," and almost everyone agrees!

The reason CK>THL is because Orson Welles>Bigelow [NOW THAT'S A FACT!]

ShogunRua wrote:Perhaps if you had any worthwhile, well-supported arguments to make about the film.

If only this... perhaps people would pay me to critic?
Perhaps i would even be considered a "respectable critic." ;)

ShogunRua wrote:I have only read vague allusions to "respectable critics" and anger

I'm not angry, you angry brah?

ShogunRua wrote:You focused so much on critical reviews. You can't actually come up with anything remotely intelligent yourself.

I think I know, I mean, a yes but it's all wrong. That is I think I disagree.

ShogunRua wrote:If you're a sane person

I'm nowhere near sane. :lol:

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Re: Zero Dark Thirty

Post by 3dRevelation »

ayall wrote:The reason CK>THL is because Orson Welles>Bigelow [NOW THAT'S A FACT!]

:o I must be unfactual. I personally think The Hurt Locker is better than Citizen Kane. And it isn't even a slight difference. The Hurt Locker is in my tier 10 while Citizen Kane is in my tier 6. IMO Citizen Kane is vastly overrated. Just another piece of evidence that film opinion is subjective. In fact I'm not even sure how one can be objective about film. Every film impacts people differently.

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Re: Zero Dark Thirty

Post by ayall »

3dRevelation wrote:
ayall wrote:The reason CK>THL is because Orson Welles>Bigelow [NOW THAT'S A FACT!]

:o I must be unfactual.
:shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

unfactual indeed! :P

3dRevelation wrote: Citizen Kane is vastly overrated.

Not as overrated as Bigelow! Zing!

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