Revamped Title Information Page

This is where you'll find information about updates to the site -- new features we've introduced, bugs we've fixed, and anything else which might be of interest to the community!
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Re: Revamped Title Information Page

Post by BadCosmonaut »

I'm not sure I'm a fan of the date format for the "date rated" feature for a film I've rated. Like for one movie I rated it says "Rated on 20/04/18". Is that April 20, 2018 or April 18th, 2020? I know I can hover my mouse over it to see the longer form, but then it makes me wonder what advantage is there to showing the short form in the first place when it could just be the longer form that's shown by default.

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Re: Revamped Title Information Page

Post by mpowell »

BadCosmonaut wrote:
Thu Sep 21, 2023 7:38 pm
I'm not sure I'm a fan of the date format for the "date rated" feature for a film I've rated. Like for one movie I rated it says "Rated on 20/04/18". Is that April 20, 2018 or April 18th, 2020? I know I can hover my mouse over it to see the longer form, but then it makes me wonder what advantage is there to showing the short form in the first place when it could just be the longer form that's shown by default.
Thanks for this input -- this is actually something we're still going back and forth on. We chose the shorter format for now, because of space concerns... but yeah, I've been caught out by it, too, finding myself unsure if I'm looking at the day or month. We'll consider this again!

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Re: Revamped Title Information Page

Post by mpowell »

Just a note to let you know that we've modified the Date format for ratings and (almost completely) across the rest of the site, to use a less ambiguous standard: 18 Oct 2023

We feel like this strikes a nice balance between readability and conciseness. Hope it makes things more clear!

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Re: Revamped Title Information Page

Post by BadCosmonaut »

Excellent! The new format looks great.

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Re: Revamped Title Information Page

Post by eng3 »

How about just improving the search/filters?
You already have a database, it's fairly trivial to allow better searching/filtering.
For example, filter out anime
In a perfect world, every single parameter in the database would be a filter.

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Re: Revamped Title Information Page

Post by geohawk »

"Anime" is not a supported parameter in the database. It is one of the collections, but you can't combine collections for an AND or OR or NOT filter, as far as I know. That may be useful, but that sounds a lot like an "Advanced Search" feature.

Maybe a feature that lets you put all of the items in a collection on your Ignore list?

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Re: Revamped Title Information Page

Post by Moribunny »

Just almost had a heart attack finding out that I couldn't go back to old version title page after testing the new again. Apparently the button no longer appears on the mobile layout. To my great relief I found the button in the desktop version.
Last edited by Moribunny on Thu Nov 23, 2023 1:08 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: Revamped Title Information Page

Post by Moribunny »

For real, I've been using criticker literally daily since 2006. I've added a huge amount of titles, reviews (im on the top page of the starred rankings), personal pictures etc. over the years, my loyalty must count for something. I don't want to part with this site for no longer being the most convenient way of looking up movies. Criticker will not be my go-to movie site if the information presented isn't compact. I find no pleasure in the toil of endless scrolling just to get to the most basic most essential information about a title. This is compounded when I want to look around at multiple titles because I want to be able to navigate by clicking on the cast/crew links. If they're way way way down and my thumb has all that extra work then I dont know if I'll be using criticker once old version is phased out.

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Re: Revamped Title Information Page

Post by Moribunny »

It's really impossible to get over how vastly superior the old version is.
The only redeeming value of the new version is the stats feature. Otherwise it is a gargantuan sea of white space and useless clutter that forces needless clicking and scrolling through nonsense to get to valuable information, with ads that are more obtrusive because they prolong the scrolling.

The only way of salvaging it to any extent would be making it more like the old version. And above all, a title page should immediately present the most basic information the user will want to know about a title. Right now, when I click on a title on mobile, the landing screen is 80% useless because so much space is swallowed by the UI and for some reason a huge ugly blurry cropping from the move image - a visual artifact that both serves no purpose and is aesthetically repulsive. Then a huge section shows numbers of ratings and how many collections it's in and kumpels rated - I assure you these numbers are almost meaningless to most users, and they certainly don't deserve to be at the top of the title page. Otherwise all it has is the movie title, and in small greyed-out letters the only truly useful information: the year, genres, runtime and summary.
The desktop version graciously also gives you director and three cast members. Really? That's all?

Full move info should be at the top of the page including country, language and writer. This should happen on both mobile and desktop, and nothing essential should be in light grey.

Seriously, don't take it from me, make a poll and ask users what they prioritize knowing: which country the movie is from and who wrote it, or how many collections it's in.

The old version is perfect in the way it prioritizes information, and especially the desktop version which has the ratings column side by side with all the essential movie info. It may have some kinks and bugs here and there but generally it is glorious and I wish you would keep it online forever.

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Re: Revamped Title Information Page

Post by td888 »

Totally agree with your points. The movie page on mobile is horrible since the last changes. Also when I submit a score, certain elements get displayed double. I assumed it was just me or a bug that gets resolved soon. But it's been like that for a long time now.

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