Franchises issue

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Franchises issue

Post by djross »

If I try to filter a Franchise, in the way that one would filter the database or a collection in general, it automatically removes the franchise filter itself, and just applies the filters selected to the entire database.

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Re: Franchises issue

Post by mpowell »

Hmm... interesting. Okay, I think I understand what you mean. We'll take a look into it, and check back here if we have any questions. Otherwise, we'll let you know when it's fixed!

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Re: Franchises issue

Post by geohawk »

This also happens with Developers and Publishers on the videogame site. e.g., if you start by clicking on the Developer on a title page, you get a database listing of everything the dev has worked on. Applying a new filter (or a new ordering, such as #of ratings or PSI) results in applying the new filter and removing the Developer filter, at least as per the URL.

games/?company=484 --> games/?orderby=pti

instead of


The work around is to copy the developer filter (company = nnn) and paste it to the URL after an '&'

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Re: Franchises issue

Post by mpowell »

This one should be fixed now! Thanks again for letting us know about it. Full details can be found here.

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