QMDB Recommendations - Part 2

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Re: QMDB Recommendations - Part 2

Post by Quicky »

Spunkie wrote:Yay, cheers 8-) ! After an examination it's easy to see your system works quite good.....except :KEYWORDS Your Bottom 10 helicopter. I have no prejudice against choppers :lol:

I understand you don't have a prejudice against helicopters. I think what my system is picking up is a pretty strong correlation between helicopters and action movies, and the fact that you tend to rate action movies lower than other kinds of movies. So... while there's no causal relationship between a movie having a helicopter scene and you rating it lower, there is a tendency for helicopter movies to be action movies and thus you rating them lower.

I found this keyword in the bottom 10 for quite a few people and always found it quite odd, but... well :).

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Re: QMDB Recommendations - Part 2

Post by PeaceAnarchy »

I was thinking, I'm guessing the way you do favorite keywords and actors etc, is by calculating which ones have higher average scores. I wonder if it might not be more accurate to calculate them using deviations from the scores. i.e. find the predicted score without that factor and look at the difference between that and the given score. If you're not doing this already it might help with genres as well, though it would take more effort there, as you'd have to make predictions without it as a factor, then redo the predictions incorporating that.

Also, if you could update mine I'd like to see what's new.

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Re: QMDB Recommendations - Part 2

Post by Quicky »

Hi again :),

I tried out your idea, peaceanarchy, but it didn't work at all. Now I'm pretty sure the fault lies more with my implementation than with your idea, so maybe when I have some more time or motivation I'll see if I can get it to work, but for now I'm keeping it the way it is.

I did your list 3 weeks ago already but forgot to post it :oops: --> http://thequicky.net/qmdb/peaceanarchy- ... 081109.pdf

And here's yours, whatismyname: --> http://thequicky.net/qmdb/whatismyname- ... 081130.pdf

Note: the example tiers section is broken and will remain broken until I've figured out a way to generate it without causing too much calculations needing to be done in Excel (and without having to do it manually obviously, which would be besides the point of the whole exercise :P).

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Re: QMDB Recommendations - Part 2

Post by Philip »

I just rediscovered this thread and I've got to say, you've made amazing progress since I last checked in. Have you thought about teaming up with the Criticker in improving the site?

Anyhow, all these new updates are great and I'd greatly appreciate it if you could produce a new list for me. I've sent you my password as a message.

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