Star Wars: Episode 7 - The Force Awakens

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Re: Star Wars: Episode 7 - The Force Awakens

Post by Jazzaloha »

Stewball wrote:Questions: [spoiler]Are Ren and Rey siblings? Is Ren dead? Which storm trooper was Daniel Craig? Did Ford require that Solo be killed off? Is X-wing light speed capability supposed to be a new technology (I don't believe they were capable before)--or was I not supposed to notice that?[/spoiler] And how, of all blockbusters, has this not made it into the Criticker database yet

My guess about Ren and Rey--they're cousins. Ren is the child of Han and Leia, while I think Rey is the child of Luke. Remember the scene when Mim(?) gives Luke's lightsaber to Ren and says this belongs to you? Ren has those "dreams"/flashbacks similar to the one Luke had in Empire Strikes Back, etc.

As for the X-wing having light speed capability, I'm almost certain this was shown in either Empire or Return. (Even the shuttle the Rebellion stole in Return had light speed capability as well.

By the way, my reaction to the film was pretty similar to yours.

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Re: Star Wars: Episode 7 - The Force Awakens

Post by CMonster »

Jazzaloha wrote:As for the X-wing having light speed capability, I'm almost certain this was shown in either Empire or Return. (Even the shuttle the Rebellion stole in Return had light speed capability as well.

When Luke was leaving Hoth after the opening of Empire he took his x-wing to the Dagobah system. He definitely needed a hyperdrive to get there.

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Re: Star Wars: Episode 7 - The Force Awakens

Post by Jazzaloha »

CMonster wrote:
Jazzaloha wrote:As for the X-wing having light speed capability, I'm almost certain this was shown in either Empire or Return. (Even the shuttle the Rebellion stole in Return had light speed capability as well.

When Luke was leaving Hoth after the opening of Empire he took his x-wing to the Dagobah system. He definitely needed a hyperdrive to get there.

I'm not sure if they show that, but I'm pretty sure they show x-wings and other smaller ships travel at light-speed when they battle the Death Star.

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Re: Star Wars: Episode 7 - The Force Awakens

Post by Pickpocket »

I was extremely disappointed with Kylo Ren. Would've been way better if they got a better actor to play him. The guy was not menacing at all and when comparing him to the obvious comparison in Darth Vader he becomes even worse. I also thought the main chick they cast was poor as well. However Boyega was awesome and Oscar Isaac is a [spoiler]nice Han Solo replacement[/spoiler] and did well in his limited screen time. It was good but you can't help but think what it could've been if they cast someone more sinister as Ren. I also wonder how Luke was getting food on that mountain

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Re: Star Wars: Episode 7 - The Force Awakens

Post by CMonster »

So, I do agree that it would have been better to cast someone more sinister as Kylo Ren, but I'm pretty sure they did it to give him a more complete arch than Vader had in the original trilogy. Whether or not the films need that is the real question.
[spoiler]To me is seems like they really wanted Ren to seem more like a bratty child than the evil force that was Vader. Then, at the end of this episode he kills Han and is told he will complete his training. So in the next film he will train and get more powerful and more evil. Then in IX, he can assume the height of his power, equal to or greater than Vader, probably to be redeemed by Rey. I would guess they are cousins like a lot of people have and I would guess their stories are going to mirror each other heavily. Admittedly, this is just guesses, but it feels adequately set up for him to be more menacing and sinister in the next films.[/spoiler]

I really liked Episode VII but they definitely left room for growth and improvement. I guess the feeling I got leaving the theater was that is was far, very far, from perfect, but was exactly what it needed to be. Perhaps that's just my inner fanboy talking though.

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Re: Star Wars: Episode 7 - The Force Awakens

Post by Pickpocket »

CMonster wrote:So, I do agree that it would have been better to cast someone more sinister as Kylo Ren, but I'm pretty sure they did it to give him a more complete arch than Vader had in the original trilogy. Whether or not the films need that is the real question.

I guess the flip side to this is we see what happens when we have a complete arch for Vader: the prequels :twisted: :lol:

CMonster wrote:[spoiler]To me is seems like they really wanted Ren to seem more like a bratty child than the evil force that was Vader. Then, at the end of this episode he kills Han and is told he will complete his training. So in the next film he will train and get more powerful and more evil. Then in IX, he can assume the height of his power, equal to or greater than Vader, probably to be redeemed by Rey. I would guess they are cousins like a lot of people have and I would guess their stories are going to mirror each other heavily. Admittedly, this is just guesses, but it feels adequately set up for him to be more menacing and sinister in the next films.[/spoiler]

[spoiler]I agree with this minus the part where he will be equal to or greater than Vader. Since he is the child of Leia, who is weak in the force, and Han, who has no force abilities, I have to assume that he is almost a false hope for the first order. But yet they put all their eggs in this Kylo Ren basket and may make him more powerful then he should be just for convenience[/spoiler]

CMonster wrote:I really liked Episode VII but they definitely left room for growth and improvement. I guess the feeling I got leaving the theater was that is was far, very far, from perfect, but was exactly what it needed to be. Perhaps that's just my inner fanboy talking though.

This is basically how I felt too. If the next installment is worse I will be very surprised. It's set up perfectly

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Re: Star Wars: Episode 7 - The Force Awakens

Post by CMonster »

Pickpocket wrote:This is basically how I felt too. If the next installment is worse I will be very surprised. It's set up perfectly

It also should be said that if the next one follows Empire as much as this one followed A New Hope I won't be nearly as forgiving for it being derivative.

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Re: Star Wars: Episode 7 - The Force Awakens

Post by Stewball »

I've previously said that Boyega's Finn was one dimensional. But this from John Dellingpole's review in Breitbat is a worthy expansion on my simple evaluation:

"Token. That’s what John Boyega’s character would be called if this were South Park. But he’s not. He’s called — oh, whatever, I forget and I’m not going to look it up.

"The tragic thing is that Boyega is actually one of Britain’s most charismatic young actors — check him out in the infinitely superior sci-fi movie Attack The Block. In The Force Awakens, however, Boyega has only two functions: 1.) be black 2.) be scaredy-cat and useless so that the Rey character (see above) can show how feisty and amazing and not-scared-of-anything and omnicompetent girls are by comparison.

"Director JJ Abrams has congratulated himself on the diversity of his casting. I’d say the creation of a character whose only real jobs are to be black and benignly lame has set the diversity clock back to the pre-Civil-War era."

Diversity....oh gag. Deliver me!

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Re: Star Wars: Episode 7 - The Force Awakens

Post by Anomaly »

Except for the part where he [spoiler]rejected the First Order and broke Poe out.[/spoiler] Pretty sure that constitutes action and being useful.

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Re: Star Wars: Episode 7 - The Force Awakens

Post by ShogunRua »

Stewball wrote:I've previously said that Boyega's Finn was one dimensional. But this from John Dellingpole's review in Breitbat is a worthy expansion on my simple evaluation:

"Token. That’s what John Boyega’s character would be called if this were South Park. But he’s not. He’s called — oh, whatever, I forget and I’m not going to look it up.

"The tragic thing is that Boyega is actually one of Britain’s most charismatic young actors — check him out in the infinitely superior sci-fi movie Attack The Block. In The Force Awakens, however, Boyega has only two functions: 1.) be black 2.) be scaredy-cat and useless so that the Rey character (see above) can show how feisty and amazing and not-scared-of-anything and omnicompetent girls are by comparison.

"Director JJ Abrams has congratulated himself on the diversity of his casting. I’d say the creation of a character whose only real jobs are to be black and benignly lame has set the diversity clock back to the pre-Civil-War era."

Diversity....oh gag. Deliver me!

Boyega's character is not the only useless one. Han Solo is useless, too. So is Chewbacca. So are all the protagonists except the main one. That's because Daisy Ridley is an unstoppable, one-woman army/God who is better at everything than everyone despite no training or background.

1. an ace pilot who can outfly trained fighter pilots.
2. And she knows more about the engineering details of the Millennium Falcon than Han Solo.
3. And she is a crack shot even though she seems not to know where the safety on a handgun is.
4. And she saves Exhench one more time, using her knowledge of the mechanisms of an unfamiliar ship.
5. Then it turns out she has force powers like a Jedi, including visions of the future and past. She can resist mind-to-mind combat with Big Bad Sith, and even read his mind in the process. But, unlike Luke, she needs no training: she can do advanced mind-control techniques without a single lesson or even being told that such things are possible.
6. Hence, she can escape from the innermost dungeon of a Sith Lord fortress unaided.
7. And she can lightsaber fight without training against a man taller and stronger and trained in the art.

And if you're reading Breitbart reviews, read John C Wright's review, too., where that list is taken from.

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