Finally It's Here: Mobile-Friendly Criticker

Ideas to improve Criticker and new feature requests, as well as announcements about new enhancements.
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Re: Finally It's Here: Mobile-Friendly Criticker

Post by MacSwell »

mpowell wrote:
Maaxwell wrote:Rankings page still having trouble. Still not lining up correctly and "Order By" causes one to view the whole database in order rather than their own rankings.

I think the "Order By" problem should be solved now. Could you check again, and let us know if it looks better?

Yep, that's working great now. Thanks a bunch, mpowell. Just the zoom issue affecting me now!

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Re: Finally It's Here: Mobile-Friendly Criticker

Post by mpowell »

ribcage wrote:On Android if I search a film but don't go directly to its page the search results list won't show me my ranking on any films I've ranked...they all display the PSIs.

Thanks for this catch! I think we've fixed this up. Could you let us know if it looks better?

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Re: Finally It's Here: Mobile-Friendly Criticker

Post by mpowell »

djross wrote:on iOS on iPad there is a related problem. If I go to a film's page, and then click on one of the tabs like "Collections" or "Stats", this causes the drop down menus to vanish.

I think this one is possibly solved. Can you confirm that it's either fixed, or still happening? And thanks again to everyone for helping us identify and solve these bugs!

Matthew Parkinson
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Re: Finally It's Here: Mobile-Friendly Criticker

Post by Matthew Parkinson »

Is it possible to allow the sorting of collections on mobile?

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Re: Finally It's Here: Mobile-Friendly Criticker

Post by Ramy »

Looks great. Have you guys considered making an app?

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Re: Finally It's Here: Mobile-Friendly Criticker

Post by mpowell »

djross wrote:Drop down menus not working from numerous pages (e.g., profile page), so site essentially not navigable at the moment.

Just to make sure... after the changes we made that seemed to address related problems, is this still an issue? We still haven't been able to reproduce it (somebody want to send us an iPad?), so I just want to make sure it's still an issue before we continue to troubleshoot.

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Re: Finally It's Here: Mobile-Friendly Criticker

Post by mpowell »

ramynoodle wrote:Looks great. Have you guys considered making an app?

Thanks! Glad you like the changes. Yes, an app is something we'd love to get to sometime soon. For now, I have no idea when that might be; the mobile-friendly site was the immediate priority :)

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Re: Finally It's Here: Mobile-Friendly Criticker

Post by mpowell »

Matthew Parkinson wrote:Is it possible to allow the sorting of collections on mobile?

Shoot, that didn't take long! This was one of the few things that we knowingly didn't port to mobile. We played around for it a little, but it was tricky enough, that we figured we'd save it for later. "With any luck," we foolishly thought, "they won't even notice!"

So, it is something we do plan on fixing up for mobile, once we put the other fires out :)

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Re: Finally It's Here: Mobile-Friendly Criticker

Post by MacSwell »

Something's gone a little funny when using the forum.


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Re: Finally It's Here: Mobile-Friendly Criticker

Post by bowfinger »

Maaxwell wrote:Something's gone a little funny when using the forum.


I'm seeing the same problem. Alternatively, that avatar and the links gets buried under the ads.

Great job on the mobile tho, thanks guys!

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