Guess the movie from the image

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Re: Guess the movie from the image

Post by livelove »

image #14.jpg
image #14.jpg (60 KiB) Viewed 1796 times
Come on, you didn't see that coming?
That there is some kind of monster behind the tree ?
With all those hints to "look closely at what has changed between the images" ?

In fact, you can already clearly see the monster's feet changing position between images #1 and #2:
image1 vs image2.jpg
image1 vs image2.jpg (94.17 KiB) Viewed 1789 times

Did you really look closely at the images ?
I have a hard time understanding you didn't see anything if you really looked.

... especially after Philamental came so close already:
philamental wrote:
Fri Feb 24, 2023 2:28 pm
Well this is fun regardless! :D
As for 'look closer', I tried to do that already. My gut instinct was that there was something in the trees near the little girl, as if it was about to snatch her in the coming moments, which is the type of thing that would be shockingly memorable, but may again be influenced by my Mulholland Drive thought process.

The other thing that is in my head is that the empty seat is quite prominent in the shot composition which might mean something, but unless Ant Man is sitting on it, I'm not sure how I can look closer at it! :D

The only real difference between the two images is that the woman in the foreground has moved slightly from blocking one seated lady to another. I don't recognise either nor see anything about them that would serve as a hint to the answer.
I immediately confirmed, that Philamental is on the right track with these 3 leads. And later on, I ruled out 2 of them (the empty seat and the ladies), so the little girl was all there was left. And the monster-thing is right besides her.

I would have hoped for Philamental to continue with his guesswork, as he was already so close.
But anyway ...
... now we know we have an Oscar nominated movie with some kind of monster.
With this information and your excellent sleuthing prowess, the movie seemed guessable to me (seeing you were able to identify a random outdoor chair in a park). Hence why it would have been important to spot the monster's feet between images #1 and #2.

More hints/images to come if needed.

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Re: Guess the movie from the image

Post by philamental »

Ok, livelove, here's some feedback which I present honestly with good intentions

While I was genuinely intrigued by your fresh approach for the initial series of images and welcomed a different angle within the established rules of the game, I think overall the frame by frame experiment has failed due to the answer still being unclear having reached the end of it (surely there is no more to reveal in this scene?), coupled with the length of time and number of images necessary to reach this point. Even now, after pages and pages of images and hints the only pertinent information I have regarding the answer is that it is an oscar nominated film that features a monster, however that's still incredibly vague info and not enough for any of us to work out the answer for a movie it appears none of us have seen which is evidence that this round has gone on too long.

I firmly believe that the more people who play this game the better it is, so I'm glad you've joined in, and hope you will continue to play ongoing. But as a 7 year veteran of this game who loves the sound of my own keyboard ( :lol: ), I feel a responsibility to helping new players understand what works and what doesn't. This is why I was happy to encourage you initially but why I now feel the need to add my voice to those such as Matt and Metalhank asking you to reconsider your approach to this round which isn't working for us.

My suggestion for what you could do next? As it's an image game, post an image that will give the answer away even to all of us who haven't seen it. Make it a cool one or favourite scene of yours from the film you're clearly keen to share with us. One with a recognisable actor's face clearly visible, or maybe a full reveal of the monster if it is recognisable. That way you go out with a bang in this round if nothing else, and you can then think about how to challenge us the next time its your turn. On that note, it's best to keep metalhank's advice in mind, it *is* an image game so images need to be at the forefront of any approach with textual clues extremely brief and only used if necessary, and also what has proven to work best for all players over the years is no more than 5 or 6 progressively easier images each round as any more than that means the wrong film or images were selected to be a fair and fun challenge.

I hope you receive this feedback as it was intended. If you wish to discuss anything further with me feel free to message me and I'd be happy to talk to you there as it would be best to keep this thread for the game and those playing it.

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Re: Guess the movie from the image

Post by livelove »

image 2a.jpg
image 2a.jpg (41.95 KiB) Viewed 1881 times
image 2b.jpg
image 2b.jpg (35.67 KiB) Viewed 1881 times

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Re: Guess the movie from the image

Post by FreddieQuell »

Toni Erdmann

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Re: Guess the movie from the image

Post by livelove »

FreddieQuell wrote:
Tue Feb 28, 2023 2:31 pm
Toni Erdmann
thanks for saving me! Your turn.

philamental wrote:
Tue Feb 28, 2023 1:01 pm
Ok, livelove, here's some feedback which I present honestly with good intentions. While I was genuinely intrigued by your fresh approach for the initial series of images and welcomed a different angle within the established rules of the game, I think overall the frame by frame experiment has failed
@philamental: I appreciate detailed critique and the spirit and friendliness in which you brought it forward, but as regards the substance I don't share your view. Everyone has a different style. Mine is not only offering those knowing a movie to name it, but also offering those not knowing the movie to participate regardless. It's an offer not just to the memory, but also to the brain. If I were at the receiving end, I would have loved to play. I disagree that it failed.
philamental wrote:
Tue Feb 28, 2023 1:01 pm
coupled with the length of time
It took some time not because it didn't work (as shown above, the secret ("monster's" feet) would have been revealed upon closer inspection of image#2 already), but due to a lack of participation. For example you, philamental, were already soooo close and then you stopped responding. You had three ideas/leads, I ruled out 2 of them, so you knew which lead was the right one, but you didn't answer any more.

philamental wrote:
Tue Feb 28, 2023 1:01 pm
the only pertinent information I have regarding the answer is that it is an oscar nominated film that features a monster, however that's still incredibly vague info
I'd call it a good start and valuable information for those who have not seen the movie but want to sleuth.

philamental wrote:
Tue Feb 28, 2023 1:01 pm
post an image that will give the answer away even to all of us who haven't seen it.
Yes, that was my approach.

philamental wrote:
Tue Feb 28, 2023 1:01 pm
Make it a cool one or favourite scene of yours from the film you're clearly keen to share with us.
I posted the most iconic part of the film (the part with the "monster").

philamental wrote:
Tue Feb 28, 2023 1:01 pm
One with a recognisable actor's face clearly visible
In this particular instance, I doubt you would have known the actors, if you don't know the film, because they are even lesser known.

philamental wrote:
Tue Feb 28, 2023 1:01 pm
or maybe a full reveal of the monster if it is recognisable.
as you can see, that was my plan anyway, long ago.

philamental wrote:
Tue Feb 28, 2023 1:01 pm
you can then think about how to challenge us the next time its your turn.
Let's see. I'm not sure, if I'll give myself that mouch trouble again, if it's not appreciated. It was really an awful lot of work to conceive this approach and select just the right frames so that the scene gets more and more revealing with each frame.

philamental wrote:
Tue Feb 28, 2023 1:01 pm
that means the wrong film or images were selected to be a fair and fun challenge
I specifically asked for the required minimum of votes and the movie I posted has more than TRIPLE that amount and an Oscar nomination for best (foreign) picture to boot, so I think it was a fair (and fun) pick. And I posted one of its most iconic scenes.

philamental wrote:
Tue Feb 28, 2023 1:01 pm
I hope you receive this feedback as it was intended.
Yes, as I said, I appreciate the good spirit in which it was said and while I disagree with your judgement, I respect it. I would have preferred a fun round, a bit more Sherlock Holmes with more participation, so that my effort would have paid off, but anyway, thanks for playing.

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Re: Guess the movie from the image

Post by philamental »

I'm glad you've taken the criticism/feedback as intended, livelove. I meant what I said when I said I hope this experience doesn't discourage you from playing again. You mentioned not being sure you want to go through a similar effort again in the future if its not appreciated, but perhaps the thing would be to try an approach that's simpler and less effort for you. We all see this game as a bit of casual fun. If someone, like yourself, is putting a lot of time and effort into a round that nobody is able to connect with then something isn't working so it's only fair to try and explain that rather than leave the player uncertain and/or frustrated at the lack of engagement. I hope if you play again you have more fun with your next round of images.

For what it's worth ...... Toni Erdmann! ........... a well known and acclaimed international film is exactly the type of movie that is usually well known amongst the group who tend to play this game so you've been really unlucky most of us apart from FreddieQuell couldn't recognise it once the monster was finally revealed at the end of your frame by frame approach. That said I would strongly disagree with your assertion that showing people 14 frames of the same scene of a film people clearly hadn't seen is a valid way to play the game when so many players vocally disapproved during the round, something that doesn't happen normally. I tried my best to play, as I'm sure the others did but 14 frames was too much when the same outcome could have been achieved by using just 5 frames from that scene. But look its done, it will go down as one of the more memorable (infamous?!? :lol: ) rounds of the thread, and we all move on older and wiser! ;)

Over to you, FreddieQuell! No pressure, but maybe give us something a bit easier this round ;)

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Re: Guess the movie from the image

Post by FreddieQuell »

I'll pass my turn over to you philamental. I am having computer issues at the moment and have nothing prepared.

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Re: Guess the movie from the image

Post by philamental »

FreddieQuell wrote:
Tue Feb 28, 2023 11:47 pm
I'll pass my turn over to you philamental. I am having computer issues at the moment and have nothing prepared.
Thanks for throwing me under the bus here, fella! ;)

Ok, have a go at this one, people!


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Re: Guess the movie from the image

Post by livelove »

I know the movie!
But out of pity, I'll abstain.
(Just kidding. :D)

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Re: Guess the movie from the image

Post by philamental »


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