Criticker alternatives

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Re: Criticker alternatives

Post by td888 »

If your power users are complaining you should take notice....

I don't mind changes but if it's not an improvement, I will complain. The layout changes were supposed to be having more information shown on the page. It actuality got worse. Rating a movie involves more steps now and is obscuring information.

The psi list is not working as it's supposed to be. Mike did acknowledge this problem and will fix it sometime in the future. I hope...

I use this site primarily on mobile and tablet. This new layout is just horrible on these devices. I suspect these layout changes are mostly tested on a big screen PC. It might look pretty there but on mobile devices it's bad.

Velvet Crowe
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Re: Criticker alternatives

Post by Velvet Crowe »

ngl, the main thing keeping me here is that switching to anything else takes too much effort. The UI has definitely gotten worse tho, I agree. At the very least give us the option to switch back!

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