James May: Our Man In...

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James May: Our Man In...

Post by geohawk »

The database has an entry for a TV series: James May: Our Man in Japan. But, according to both PrimeVideo and IMDB, it is the second season (or as they say in some countries, "series") of James May: Our Man in ...

We do not have either the first series (Italy) or the third series (India). My inclination is to take the Japan series and convert it to the whole TV show (which would largely be accomplished by changing the title). It links to the whole series on IMDB as well.

I had this problem with a Korean show that was considered to be the production (at least on IMDB) even though each season had a distinct title. I then created an episode record for each season premier to hopefully provide disambiguation.

Any of us other TV dataheads have an opinion?

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Re: James May: Our Man In...

Post by SinnerMa »

(a) update the title to Our Man in... and change the current synopsis, both using the "other" heading in the edit details field explaining the why as you have here.

(b) review the series adding an explanatory note advising the current review, details, IMDB entry plot details etc only relate to S2.

Then the entry can be used in the future for the other seasons.

(Well spotted)

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Re: James May: Our Man In...

Post by geohawk »

Actually, you don't need "Other" to submit an update to Summary, if that helps.

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Re: James May: Our Man In...

Post by SinnerMa »

"Actually, you don't need "Other" to submit an update to Summary, if that helps."

I found acceptance of your update to be erratic if a summary already existed, I was told use "other" to get around the problem.

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