Organize reviews for a film by number of stars

Ideas to improve Criticker and new feature requests, as well as announcements about new enhancements.
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Organize reviews for a film by number of stars

Post by djross »

I think the starring system is good, but I think it could be more effective. At the moment it is largely limited to looking at a particular user's profile, and seeing what mini-reviews of theirs have received the most stars.

I would like to suggest another way of using the star system: when I go to a page for a movie, I can click on "Just those with reviews" in order to see every review of the movie. But when I do so, they are still listed according to their TCI in relation to me. I think it would be great if there were a button for another option, specifically presenting the reviews in order of number of stars received.

This would be especially useful for movies that tend to attract lots of stars for the reviews, e.g., Apocalypse Now or 2001: A Space Odyssey. Such a feature would increase the chance that popular reviews are more widely read, and possibly lead to a greater motivation to review movies and review them well, as well as adding a greater motivation to give stars to reviews. Additionally, it would simply be interesting to see what reviews for particular movies are most valued by the Criticker community.

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Re: Organize reviews for a film by number of stars

Post by Pickpocket »

I approve of this message

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Re: Organize reviews for a film by number of stars

Post by djross »

And I acknowledge your approval with this expression of gratitude.

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Re: Organize reviews for a film by number of stars

Post by Dorkovsky »

I too would like to see this.

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Re: Organize reviews for a film by number of stars

Post by cagedwisdom »

I've been wanting more ways to organize lists of, well, anything on this site for ages, but this is certainly one of the best ideas for it which I am somewhat surprised I hadn't already seen the potential for myself. I too would like this.

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Re: Organize reviews for a film by number of stars

Post by djross »

I'm glad people like this idea.

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Re: Organize reviews for a film by number of stars

Post by PeaceAnarchy »

I'm pretty sure variations of this have been suggested before but I agree that seeing starred reviews on the film's page, in some form, would be a very useful feature and doing it the way you describe sounds good to me.

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Re: Organize reviews for a film by number of stars

Post by Quicky »

The one aspect I don't like about this is that it's counter to the spirit of Criticker in that it won't be the reviews from people with tastes similar to yourself that will be the ones at the top, it will be a combination of the best written and most mainstream reviews that will be on top. That said, I agree that the motivational influence of giving more exposure to well written reviews on the people not really into reviewing just yet probably outweighs the above.

However, may I suggest a slightly different approach? Currently we have "Show just those with reviews", and "Show just my kumpels". Why not also have "Show top 10 starred reviews"? (or top 5)

Not only will this probably be easier to implement, it will also highlight the best written reviews and keep them ordered by your PSI, adhering to the spirit of Criticker where it's not the opinion of the masses that counts, but the opinion of those with tastes similar to yours.

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Re: Organize reviews for a film by number of stars

Post by cagedwisdom »

Rufflesack wrote:Quicky proves once again to be awesome.

Showing top 10 starred while still ordering them by TCI is a brilliant idea. This request has my full support.

EDIT: Because I just really love the idea of sorting lists of things I would actually not at all mind having it both ways - offering both djross' method and Quicky's method. But that might become too cluttered.

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Re: Organize reviews for a film by number of stars

Post by djross »

I actually prefer my suggestion to Quicky's. Quicky's suggestion seems, to me, a little superfluous, given that the "Show just those with reviews" already displays the reviews in TCI order, and for most films, without reviews that garner lots and lots of stars, its just going to change the order around a little. It just seems a little convoluted to say: "Here are the top 10 reviews, but not in order from top to bottom, but rather in order of your TCI." Better just to say: "These are the reviews, in order of number of stars received."

So I still think it would be better just to have a list of the reviews in order of number of stars. And I don't think its counter to the spirit of Criticker: Criticker is not only about its PSI and TCI algorith; its also about encouraging participatory activity, in particular reading and writing mini-reviews, and giving and receiving stars. I think this suggestion will encourage those aspects of Criticker.

I'd also like to add that its a little strange that when I go to a film page, I can't even see whether my own review has received any stars. And apart from the handful of my reviews that have received the most stars, it is very difficult to discover how many stars a particular review of mine has received. So I think it would be good if my own review was included in the "Reviews ordered by number of stars" list that I am proposing for each film page.

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