Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3
Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3
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Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3

Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3

Like the previous entries in the Red Alert series, the game is set in an alternate reality from World War II, in which the Western Allies fight the Soviet Union. In Red Alert 3 the Soviet leadership, facing defeat, goes back in time to kill Albert Einstein and prevent his assistance to the allies, paving the way for Soviet domination in the present. However, as an unintended consequence, a third world power, the Empire of the Rising Sun, is created and all three sides go to war. (

Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3

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Avg Percentile 46.94% from 17 total ratings

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Rated 22 Jul 2020
Unlike many people, I wasn't bothered by this game pushing the series campiness to extremes. I did; however, take issue with the awful economic system that often caused money shortages way too quickly and limited map design due to how one-dimensional ore collection is, which is further hindered by how trivial water has become in base building. This was done to encourage more micro-engagements as to excuse more unit specific skills but micro managing this shit is a cumbersome, obnoxious mess.

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